Booster Bulletin Board


Booster Meetings will be held at the

North Canton Gym Center.


Everyone is welcome

to attend.

Booster Board

Gymnastics Director: Dave Compher

Associate Director: Jennifer Anderson

Competitive Team Advisor: Colleen Eckel

President: Debbie Roth, Cindy Koberlein

Vice-President: Jane Shier

Treasurer: Chris & Dawn Groubert

Kitchen: Gladys Applegate, Buyer (each month a different parent is incharge

Newsletter: Jennifer Anderson

Web Page: Deb Dougherty

Team Statistician: Sue Christman

Head Meet Tabulator: John D’Egidio

Tabulator Schedule Coordinator: Dena Campbell

Fundraising: Julie Spadone

Secretary: Cindy Dengler

Pro Shop: Teresa Rayl & Sheila Meyer

Publicity: John & Angie Beres

Text Box: Be a Volunteer

7241 Whipple Ave.

North Canton, Ohio 44720


Fax: 330-498-4084

2008-2009 Booster Meeting Dates


May 6th, Wednesday, at 6 pm


June 9th, Tuesday, at 6 pm