North Canton YMCA

2009 Zones

7241 Whipple Ave.

North Canton, Ohio 44720


Fax: 330-498-4084

Text Box: Welcome to the 2009 Zone Information Page
Zone Meet information								 

On Saturday, April 18th and Sunday, April 19th, 2009, the North Canton YMCA Gymnastics Boosters will be hosting the Great Lakes Zone Gymnastics Championships at Hoover High School in North Canton, Ohio.  This is a prestigious YMCA event and will involve approximately 50 YMCA teams and 480 gymnasts.  These gymnasts represent YMCA’s from Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky.  Competitors will be vying for regional honors in Levels 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 and range in age from 1st grade through high school age.  

This will be their 4th time to host the meet and they are hoping for a great community response.  This year the team will have approximately 90 participants from our local area which includes the Akron, Canal Fulton, Canton, Canton South, Dover, Green, Hoover, Jackson, Lake, Louisville, Massillon, and Plain school districts.

Proceeds will be used to upgrade and to purchase new equipment for the pre-school, school age and team programs at the North Canton YMCA Gymnastics Center.  We also would like to be able to subsidize team expenses to Nationals in Philadelphia in 2009.  All donations will be tax deductible and all persons and businesses who donate will be mentioned in the meet program and in signage in the competitive arena at Hoover High School. If available, we will display company banners of donators.  

We need the following items:  

food items for the concession stand and for meals for coaches and officials
paper products such as plates and napkins
raffle basket items and participant gifts
decorations (we have a Wizard of Oz theme)
pro shop items
volunteer t-shirts
services (such as printing)
cash donations (will be used to purchase items on above list)

We will require that donations be received in a reasonable time based on the item .  Items can be dropped off at the North Canton YMCA Gymnastics Center, 7241 Whipple Ave. N.W., North Canton, OH, 44720.  We also will be available to pick up donations if needed.  You can call the contact person listed on the Donation Form to assist you or answer any questions you may have.   We also have contact persons at the Gymnastics Center.  The Center number is 330-498-4082.  Ask for Jennifer Anderson, Terri Steiner, or Colleen Eckel.    

Information will be posted here for you to access and to keep you informed.
Below are links available for you to access:
Meet Schedule
Zones Donation Form
Zone Donation Receipt Form
Apparel Form
Memory Book Form
Registration Letter
Senior Family Memory Book
Waiver Form
Zone 09 Program Ad
Graduating Seniors