10/04/98 10:54:12
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Dennis Ballinger - 04/05/98 11:49:52
My Email:servant@xit.net
Favorite way to relax: Christian Chat
How did you find us: Info page powwow
Thanks for a beautiful and enjoyable web site.
May God bless you and your family as you make the transition. Thanks for the spouse support links,
have a friend with a daughter in San Diego and her hubby at sea that really needs this..God's
perfect timimg...one more life you have touched.
Silvana - 04/05/98 06:56:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Silvana_1/index.html
Favorite way to relax: compute!!
How did you find us: guestbook webring
Great site!! enjoyed it...will come back again..
Rhonda - 04/04/98 01:30:43
My URL:http://www.moving-on.net/whiteman
My Email:rhonda@moving-on.net
Favorite way to relax: shop :-)
Favorite Kids book: Little House books
How did you find us: Sgt. Moms
Very nice site!!
Kay - 04/03/98 02:52:58
My Email:kay@ptw.com
Best wishes to you and your family! Thank you for the great updates that you had about the Wasp. I will miss the info that you had on the deployment, as it made me feel closer to my daughter. Good luck with your new future!
Kay - 04/03/98 02:46:28
My Email:kay@ptw.com
Best wishes to you and your family! Thank you for the great updates that you had about the Wasp. I will miss the info that you had on the deployment, as it made me feel closer to my daughter. Good luck with your new future!
Laura Leonard - 04/02/98 21:23:38
My Email:lleonard@students.wisc.edu
Favorite kids book: The Velveteen Rabbit
Hi Bridgett!!
Wow! No more Navy? Write me sometime and give me an update-La- Oh -Did you ever get your BDay card?
Lori Gill - 04/01/98 23:45:11
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1306
My Email:thegillfamily@geocities.com
Favorite kids book: The Velveteen Rabbit
What a beautiful site. Thanks for all the links. I'm a military spouse too, so I will get great use from these. Best of luck in your family's transition into the civilian world. God bless.
Stacey Hartman - 03/29/98 22:00:30
My Email:ginger1104@yahoo.com
Favorite kids book: The Sea Hag's Treasure
I love your page. I have signed the guestbook before and thought it was time to say "HI" again. I love your music. My roommate heard it one day while I was checking it out and now she's hooked, too. We especially liked the mashmallow bunny thing and showe
it to everyone we know. Great job! I'll keep coming back for updates!
Keith - 03/24/98 04:34:25
My URL:http://members.aol.com/kkeithc/cartoons.html
My Email:kkeithc@aol.com
Favorite kids book: Green Eggs And Ham
What A Great Site.
Keep Up The Great Work. Stop On By To My Funny Cartoon Web Site. Sign My Guestbook As Well If You Want.
I enjoyed my visit.
Tobi - 03/21/98 02:40:20
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Seadooer/Tobi.html
My Email:tcboater@earthlink.net
Lovely pages here. Enjoyed my visit. Stop by and visit some time.
Lianne Flint - 03/20/98 13:21:17
My URL:http://home.att.net/~odsa/RadPlace.html
My Email:odsa@worldnet.att.net
Favorite kids book: There is a Monster at the End of This Book
Thanks Bridgett for such a wonderful and inspiring page!
I love your picture!!
Pam - 03/19/98 23:02:03
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~danpam/index.html
My Email:pd11@webtv.net
Favorite kids book: Bambi
Looks Great!
Teri - 03/19/98 09:42:57
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/Heartland/Estates/6319
My Email:sesa@aol.com
Favorite kids book: anything Pooh
Thank you for signing my guestbook! I linked here from there. I really like your site, especially the whinnie-the-pooh graphics and backgrounds! Good luck with the deployment and check back to my site soon, I am working on a page of ideas to make the s
perations seem to go by faster! Take care
Jeri Bell - 03/16/98 11:04:34
My Email:JBell2066@aol
Favorite kids book: I'll Love You Forever
Love your page. Popped in here from the Wasp page. Guess I'm a nosey Mom. My oldest son LCPL Derek is with Kilo Battery . Miss him terribly. These pages are uplifting. Hope all is well with you. Jeri
Loni Howell - 03/16/98 02:18:15
My Email:lhowell98@hotmail.com
This page is so interesting! I'm so proud at all the Marine wives sticking together. If only our men could be here to see all the hard work and commitment we are putting into meeting new people and supporting each other. Even though I am not a Marine w
fe yet and that I am still young, I am still feeling the same way as everyone else. I MISS MY MARINE! Good luck to all! (Just think, another 10 years down the road and we'll look back on these 6 months and think of how much we have learned through thi
experience and remember all the caring and helpful people we will have met)
- 03/13/98 05:59:14
cloude1(Michele) - 03/13/98 04:20:05
My Email:crafty@minot.ndak.net
Favorite kids book: all winnie the pooh
anything you'd like to see here: your photo!
hello there!..I am a friend of Brian and Char...I really like your webpage!!!....Good job!!...your children are precious!..I am from ND..married and have an 8yr old son...my nme is Michele and my husband is Craig...
Kay Oser - 03/13/98 01:39:31
My Email:kay@ptw.com
anything you'd like to see here: WASP Info
Thanks for your page. My daughter in onboard the WASP. I took my tour of Rota and hope that you can keep up with the tours. I feel closer to her through e-mail and Pilot online. Thanks again!
- 03/11/98 18:01:38
Stacey Hartman - 03/10/98 22:37:58
My Email:ginger1104@yahoo.com
Favorite lotto Numbers?: 08, 20, 11, 04, 77, 21
The one thing you want most: For DeWaine to come home.
I absolutely loved your web page! I claim a Marine who is on the USS Trenton right now. Your web page is beautiful and very informative. It's so friendly and personal. I'll definately be back!
me - 03/10/98 17:34:42
My Email:dilleyj@gateway.tec.wi.us
Favorite lotto Numbers?: 4 20 21 8 15 2
The one thing you want most: lots of happiness...money and a hummer won't hurt either
You ROCK! Sorry latest saying a round here. Cool site have to come back. I like the other site too. My computer wouldn't let me sign in. will try later. GG Bye.
- me
Jamie Reed - 03/08/98 18:35:39
The one thing you want most: peace and quiet
hey, cool website! Love the pictures. Is the first one Riley or Torrie? Looks too young to be Riley, but they sure are cute. This is really great, I'll have to check it out regularly.
char - 03/06/98 02:22:36
checking it out again hahaha
phraoh/multitalent/mohammed - 03/03/98 23:23:01
very nice web page and a veryverynice family God bless
Vicki - 03/03/98 23:11:44
My Email:vicki@cwv.net
The one thing you want most: to be successful after college
great job....and loved the comment when i got to the pic that was suppose to be Brigette
char - 03/03/98 22:41:15
My Email:staples@elknet.net
The one thing you want most: life love and family
i love this page .........cute kids hummm i wonder who they look like??? hahaha hehehe
Val Meyer - 02/26/98 22:37:12
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Val_Meyer/index.html
My Email:valmtc@hotmail.com
Favorite lotto Numbers?: don't really have any.
The one thing you want most: a Ph.D. in Psychology
This is pretty cool. Char gave me the addy for this. I think it is set up pretty good. Well, you can go visit mine and then sign it too if you want. Talk to you later,
Val Meyer :)
Char...... - 02/26/98 22:19:33
My Email:staples@elknet.net
The one thing you want most: more pics
getting good bridgett..........keep up the good work!!!!!!!!
Jeni Dilley - 02/26/98 15:20:01
My Email:DilleyJ@gateway.tec.wi.us
Favorite lotto Numbers?: 4 20 13 8 21 15
The one thing you want most: a man, a life okay Anything
Great site! Glad I was finally able to get to it. Everyone liked the pics. Shelly says hi.
- 02/25/98 16:09:07
- 02/24/98 23:47:40
colleen hastings - 02/24/98 21:28:25
My Email:chastings@hotmail.com
Favorite lotto Numbers?: 2,10,77 :)
The one thing you want most: a car and .......
when are you going to get more pictures from that
wonderful photographer who took the picture of riley??
- 02/24/98 20:04:04
- 02/24/98 19:16:16
- 02/24/98 19:10:18
- 02/24/98 18:18:46