Welcome to my Guestbook! Thank you for stopping by,God Bless

Nana - 03/10/00 18:12:45
My Email:

You are such an inspiration and always have encouraging words and promises that I know but need to be mwntally shook. LOL Keep up the good work, it is apprecciated.

Ro - 03/03/00 02:17:40

You know me, this was cute. You're getting good at this stuff. Better than I am!! Keep it up!!

Christine - 03/02/00 15:39:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/cbartsch/index.html
My Email:sparrow@faithmail.com

Thanks for visiting my site. I read most of the pages on your site. It's been a bad morning but your pages did help encourage me. Thank you. Visit me again!

Angie - 02/25/00 04:01:49
My URL:http://go.to/angies
My Email:angie.9@ccnmail.com

Hey Connie, your site is looking wonderful :) So glad to see another person in Mason County on the net :) Thanks so much for emailing me with your URL so I could come visit you. God Bless!!!


Sarah Slaughter - 02/18/00 06:03:59
My Email:

I enoy your Poems and messages. They are an inspiration to me

dorina jones - 02/17/00 22:03:41
My Email:dorinajones@webtv.net


Ellen - 02/17/00 15:37:42
My URL:/Heartland/Cottage/4749
My Email:mystymnt@the-word.net

Dear Connie: I love your site. The poem is just beautiful. Your testimony and love of Jesus Christ are wonderful to see. God Bless you Ellen God's Potpourri of Blessings

Ellen - 02/17/00 15:33:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/4749
My Email:mystymnt@the-word.net

Dear Connie: I love your site. The poem is just beautiful. Your testimony and love of Jesus Christ are wonderful to see. God Bless you Ellen God's Potpourri of Blessings

Juanita Pike - 02/15/00 17:37:59
My URL:http://www.n-link.com/~jpike
My Email:jpike@n-link.com

Lovely site!!!

Tom - 02/15/00 02:53:03
My Email:freightliner98_98@yahoo.com

Hello honey!I really liked your website.I also know you have worked really hard on it.May the Lord richly bless you and strengthen you in everything you do.I love you so much.Keep up the good work.

Albert Maassen - 02/13/00 14:06:10
My URL:http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~maassen/
My Email:Beauty@Caiw.nl

WONDERFUL Greetings from Schipluiden, Holland

Dave - 02/11/00 20:46:40
My Email:dryan43381@aol.com

beautiful site.

- 02/11/00 19:30:44
My Email:
Tonya - 02/11/00 03:22:28

You have done a beautiful job on your website. I enjoyed reading your inspirational messages. Blessings. Come see me sometime when you get the chance.

Dr. Trudy Veerman - 02/10/00 23:15:44
My URL:http://salvation.com/counselor
My Email:ferryman@reach.net

Thank you Connie, for visiting my website and signing my Guestbook. You have a very lovely website, with beautiful backgrounds. Keep it up !

Please,view this powerful poetic page, JESUS, THE RESCUER

Hi, I am Trudy, focus on Jesus!

Irene - 02/10/00 02:56:21
My Email:TabbySue@webtv.net

your web page is BEAUTIFUL, this is my first visit, but it will not be my last keep up the good work for God has really blessed you with a wonderful talent.

Ann - 02/09/00 19:48:52


Josh - 02/09/00 17:34:58

good job!

Connie - 02/09/00 17:22:56


Barbara - 02/09/00 13:15:18
My Email:BaNitardy@aol.com

How WONDERFUL! Connie, you are an inspiration and so grateful that God has given you the gift to do this for us. God bless you. Barbara

Cathy - 02/09/00 12:54:30

Looking great Connie. I love the bluebird. I am impressed and inspired. I know you have worked hard on this site.

Connie - 02/08/00 14:17:09


Connie - 02/08/00 14:04:04


Jeannie Megahan - 02/05/00 01:05:39
My Email:trkinyoyo

I should have realized it was your webb page. I would have visited it sooner. I really like it.

Margaret Hodge - 02/03/00 18:00:24
My URL:http://none
My Email:margaret338@webtv.net

Very nice Connie, I will be back I'm sure many times to read all the inspirational messages. Thank you for all your hard work making it possible for folks like me to enjoy.

Angi - 02/02/00 20:02:24
My URL:/angiw.geo/
My Email:angiw@freewwweb.com


Hi Connie!

It was a pleasure visiting your electronic home,
and getting to know a bit more about you.
Keep up the good work!

May all your days be filled with sunshine!  :-)

Your Friend,

Absolutely Angi

GeoCities Heartland/Pointe Community Leader
Heartland Pointe Resource Center

J. Rowe - 01/21/00 13:52:41


- 01/21/00 13:52:06


Dawn - 01/19/00 05:42:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Forest/7768

Your pages are looking great, I can't wait to see what new changes will come about here. You're doing a wonderful job so far... keep up the super work, lady!

SYDNEY BELLOMY - 01/18/00 17:22:34
My Email:mawmaw_8@juno.com

connie this is great! i didn't know you had a web site. i would like to learn how to do that some day it is beautiful. love in Christ Sydney

Barbara - 01/08/00 19:42:08
My Email:BaNitardy@aol.com

Connie, how wonderful! God has blessed you with a special talent. I can't wait to see more. Love and prayers. Barbara

Cathy - 01/03/00 00:09:28

Looking good. You have alot more here than last time I visited. Thanks for taking the time to make this page.

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