<BGSOUND SRC="debussyclairedelune.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Hi, so glad you could stop in for a cup of tea. I love coffee, but when it's time to unwind, from the hectic days (we all have).
I put the tea pot on and have a nice cup of Cinnamon tea. It gives me a little break, just for myself and time to meditate and reflect on my day.
It is also a time to share with friends....
Go ahead try it, indulge yourself for a few minutes and while your at it, check out a few of my favorite things. :)

Click on the underlined places below. 


Annies Homepage

Living Life in Victory

Heaven's Door



Angels All Around us


Cooking Sites


Michael's Arts and Crafts

Craft Central Station


Rebecca's Garden


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You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13