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Pronounced Ah-Pa-Fill-ite

Hydrous Calcium Potassium Fluorosilicate; cube-like crystals with pearly luster on the one perfect cleavage, striations on other faces; commonly found in cavities in basaltic volcanic rock. From the Greek "apo", meaning off, and "phyllon", meaning leaf, an allusion given as the mineral flakes apart when heated in a flame.


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I am a North Carolina licensed geologist who works for himself as an environmental consultant. I do not believe in the Theory of Evolution! It just isn't good science. More on that below.

EVOLUTION FRAUD - Exposing the Theory of Evolution for What It Truly Is!

running dino

The EVOLUTION FRAUD pages will be evolving in the near future.



Married on August 21, 2001 to Lee Ann, Benjamin born on June 25, 2003

Interests: hiking, camping, mountain biking, fishing, rock & fossil collection, cookouts, cars, Pig Pickin's, boating
Favorite Participation Sports: tennis, golf, bowling

Favorite Places: the mountains and Bear Island (Hammocks Beach State Park, NC), Red Rock Canyon in Las Vegas, Arches National Park in Utah, and Serenity Valley Favorite Movies: The Little Princess (newer release), Contact, Babe, Toy Story 2, The Majestic

Favorite Book: the Bible (King James and NIV)

Links to My Other Pages:

TESTIMONY How I received the baptism of the holy Ghost.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND ONE BAPTISM Are you looking for God in the right place?

POWER OF GOD PERSONAL EXPERIENCES You may believe in God (even the devil believes in God), but do you KNOW God?

BIBLE VERSES My favorites.

APOPHYLLITE'S KITCHEN Recipes for Apophyllite's favorite foods; I like to eat good food.

Favorite Links to Truth:

Isaiah58 Broadcast A lighthouse for the Truth! Download audio tape message files.

Pastor John's House A must visit site for those seeking the holy Ghost baptism

Gospel Tract News Great testimonies and more! Books and tracts.

Steve's Place Excellent Site for Scientific Evidence Debunking Evolution!

Christian Geology Ministry Disproving Evolution!

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