Chava's Munchmeister Page

I'm the "Munchmeister" because I like to munch!
But when I'm not busy munching, I love to curl up and take naps!

About Me
My Given Name 
My Nickname 
My Breed 
My Coat Color 
My Eye Color 
My Weight 
My Age 
My Sex 
Favorite Things to Do 
Favorite TV Shows 
Favorite Food 
Favorite Color 
Favorite Animal 
Favorite Spot
13 lbs 
6 years 
Sleep, Eat Catnip 
ER, Ally McBeal 
Dark Blue 
My Cat Post
Catnip! Mmmmmm!

 About My Human
    For some strange reason, my human is totally ga-ga over Pug dogs. The weird thing about it is that she doesn't even have one! I will never understand her completely. She is also head-over-heals about some big mutt she met over Christmas named Buddy. I think her mom own's him, but my human is always whining about how she doesn't think she'll be able to visit again without bringing him back with her. God forbid! I already have to share a house with her housemates' Sheltie! If all dogs are like that, I don't want any more. Besides, my human doesn't spoil me enough as it is ... hee, hee.
These are Pug dogs.
This is Buddy.
    My human works during any of the light hours, but she spends the evenings in front of some screen - the TV or the computer ... or both! That's okay with me, though ... I just lounge around on my cat post (which is right behind her desk) or on her lap when she watches TV. She's always got a blanket with her, so it's super-warm!
    My human always says my "mommy" loves me, and she loves to give me hugs!

Cat Post 

Page design and maintenance by Alles Consulting Services.
Graphics contributors are on the Purr-worthy Links page.