
Peaches' Best Friend

March 1986 - June 11, 2001

Sasha was our second feline acquisition. When Peaches was about a year old, we decided that she should have a companion, so I started scanning the ads for giveaway kitties. I soon found an ad for a "black and white female cat" about Peachy's age, and as I'd been thinking about a black and white cat, I decided to take a look at her.

Imagine my surprise when I saw that the kitty in question was a calico! She was so sweet and friendly, however, that I immediately decided to take her home. Her name was Boo Boo, which we discarded at once in favor of Sasha.

It took only a few days for Peaches and Sasha to get over each other's newness; thereafter they were the closest of friends and were seldom seen apart. Other than a few hissing fits at the very beginning, they never had a quarrel.

When Peaches died, Sasha became a recluse and refused to socialize with any of our other cats. She preferred to live alone, and resided in the kitchen with Nefer, our other recluse kitty.

Sasha spent most of her time napping on one of the kitchen chairs. She inherited Peaches' monarchy and was recognized as queen by the rest of the cat family. She was always alert and watchful for the sight or sound of the milk carton emerging from the refrigerator.

In the spring of 2001, our Sasha developed malignant tumors on her left hind leg and in her groin. The cancer grew rapidly, and before long she had lost a tremendous amount of weight, was unable to walk without pain, had difficulty breathing, and finally refused food. She passed over the bridge on June 11, 2001, with the gentle assistance of our wonderful, caring vet, Dr. Ron Cronogue, of Eastern Shore Animal Hospital.

Sasha has joined her beloved buddy, Peaches, at last.

The mischievous kitten

A little more dignified now!

The best friends together

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