Welcome To Tigger21's Howse, make yourself at home
Hi! I am Tigger21, but my friends know me as Tammy I am 34 years old and I work full time as a Mortgage Loan Representative in California, and even more FULL time as a wife and mother
. I enjoy many things and some of them are parenting, football "GO Patriots", moto cross, riding Yamaha Banshee's, hiking, telling jokes, writing poetry, chatting on ICQ and chatting with my friends online at Parentsplace.
At Parentsplace I am known as ibtigger21.
At Parentsplace I have wonderful friends!
She and I have been bestest friends forever. Pooh and I do everything together. We love to shop, chat and we even diet together. She is my support and I am hers! I am fortunate to have such a wonderful friend.
(Jenny) who always has milk is my best friend from the internet. Jenny and I met at Parentsplace in 1997 and have been friends since. I love chatting with Jenny, she has a wonderful sense of humor... oh and congradulations to Jenny, Chuck and Baby Joey for the new Edition to your family!
Oh and Jenny "Got Milk!"
Fatdad and MamaJ
I can always find a good laugh with these two. Fatdad has many tricks up his sleeve, and has been known to throw a snowball or two. MamaJ is great to chat with and usually helps fight the snowball battle against Fatdad! Thanks for all the fun guys!
Vandriver has been great friend to me. I met Van at Parentsplace where she is always willing to drive us on a virtual trip.. Some of our virtual trips have been to Gilligan's Island
We Have even been to Las Vegas and Texas (Where I was Looking for a Cowboy!) Thanks Van for the rides and your company too!
Tigger has been my favorite since I was a very young child,
but my Tigger Collection only began 3 years ago when I got a Tigger Tattoo.
I am still working on my web site and plan to add some more neat stuff, so please come back and visit again!
is owned by Tiggers Howse .
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