Dan Bridge - 09/05/00 06:48:25
My URL:/danbridge
My Email:danbridge@hotmail.com
# of children: 1 son
childrens names: Neil
This is adorable. I enjoyed my visit.
Angel Dreams & Hugs - 07/01/00 18:49:11
My URL:http://ADH.50megs.com
My Email:angeldreamshugs@aol.com
childrens names: message for mommy :-)
Hi Angel
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have
spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages!
Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join
the Digital Delilah's Website
Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our web ring. Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Hello Jamie! My goodness Ash is getting so big and pretty! Keep in touch woman.. I miss ya! Love Tiffany Comments: Hello! What a beautiful little girl you are! I've met your mommy a couple times at Storksite and had to come visit your page again. God Bless.
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Angel Dreams & Hugs
You are officially ivited to join "Angel Dreams & Hugs". An internet group dedicated to joining wings across the net. A group of loving
en and women across the net from different walks of life. Our purpose is to bring about "Awareness" for child abuse and child pornography. We believe that if enough people join wings and help bring awareness, and educate, that we can decrease child abuse
nd child pornography on the net and at home. Angel Dreams & Hugs is a place for careing and sharing, holding hands for our children and familys. We can laugh and cry together as a family who strive to make the internet a safe place for our family and chil
We hope you will join us at
Angel Dreams & Hugs
Russell Meredith - 06/27/00 09:32:50
My Email:meredith@shreve.net
childrens names: aj,bubba,Rhonda
angie i enjoyed your page thank you and god bless you
Lisa Setters - 06/16/00 21:27:40
My Email:scottsettersS@aol.com
childrens names: Ryan
Love the page star, angie is so cute. I'll be sure to come back and watch angie grow up.. she's adorable.
what - 04/28/00 04:19:43
My URL:http://?
My Email:i d k
# of children: 102
childrens names: 102 kids
fuck u
DPKandi - 03/01/00 22:48:19
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
# of children: none.. yet
mary - 06/16/99 21:03:16
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/art/marystar
My Email:periwinkledot@hotmail.com
childrens names: i am a child!
i think your daughter is beautiful. i like your music on your page. you should come and visit my page!
Cindi - 06/03/99 20:09:08
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/clrobbins/Family.html
My Email:clrobbins@mindspring.com
childrens names: Eddie, Cassie, Michael, Savannah, & Dylan
What an adourable little girl, and your dancing baby was to funny. I really enjoyed you site. Thanks for sharing it I have seen the dancing baby before but not one that danced like this one :o)
Cindi - 06/03/99 20:07:53
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/clrobbins/Family.html
My Email:clrobbins@mindspring.com
childrens names: Eddie, Cassie, Michael, Savannah, & Dylan
What an adourable little girl, and your dancing baby was to funny. I really enjoyed you site. Thanks for sharing it I have seen the dancing baby before but not one that danced like this one :o)
Cindi - 06/03/99 20:07:25
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/clrobbins/Family.html
My Email:clrobbins@mindspring.com
childrens names: Eddie, Cassie, Michael, Savannah, & Dylan
What an adourable little girl, and your dancing baby was to funny. I really enjoyed you site. Thanks for sharing it I have seen the dancing baby before but not one that danced like this one :o)
Connie - 04/26/99 03:15:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/cancer1/index.html
My Email:btrfly@lecnet.net
childrens names: Steven, De'anna, Timothy, Johnny
You have a very nice site, hugs and God bless
Tiffany - 12/23/98 01:43:51
My URL:/Heartland/3218
My Email:tiffany@healthfourlife.com
childrens names: Jordan and Calyn
Tiffany - 12/23/98 01:36:12
My URL:/Heartland/3218
My Email:tiffany@healthfourlife.com
childrens names: Jordan and Calyn
10/04/98 10:53:01
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Virgilene - 09/04/98 05:57:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~VIRGILENE
My Email:virg68@swbell.net
childrens names: Stephanie, James, Christopher
I was just going through sites in the Parents Ring. I really enjoyed your page very much. I would like to invite you to join my new webring Luv My Kids. Hope to see you soon.
clarissa neiding - 08/17/98 14:23:01
My URL:http://www.accnorwalk.com/~dneiding
My Email:dneiding@accnorwalk.com
childrens names: brennan
just stopped in to see your page. here is our brennan. please click his picture to visit his page!!
antmama - 05/20/98 14:34:57
i am from the sah mom list! love the page:) what a gorgeous angelic baby!
Mary - 05/19/98 20:20:59
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc/mjuner
My Email:mjuner@webtv.net
# of children: 01
childrens names: Miranda Anne-Renea Braxton
Starshine~ I really like your home page. Thank you so much for putting the guest book up for me on mine. I WANT A DANCING BABY:) Well, I will see you around stork site. ~Mary
Lia Mari - 05/14/98 02:44:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Point/5729/lialinks.html
My Email:lia_li@hotmail.com
childrens names: Jessica Li
Thank you so much for your kind words about my page... It did my heart good to see that my work has not gone unappreciated...
Your page is beautiful!!!
Good luck to you in your search.
Lia Mari
- 05/12/98 04:45:13
Lori Umiamaka - 05/12/98 04:42:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/7784
My Email:lumia@hgea.org
# of children: one
childrens names: Aaron
What a sweetheart you have! I love your photo album too. Aaron & I enjoyed our visit here.
Rose - 05/12/98 00:06:40
My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~hiker867/rose.html
My Email:love.is.blind@usa.net
childrens names: Kayla & Connor
Just surfing our Ring and seeing everyone's page!
Your's is terrific!! Angelina is adorable!!
Stop by my page for a visit some time. I've added some new pics recently and more are coming too.
Lorri Stephens - 05/11/98 23:05:56
My Email:rstephen@erinet.com
childrens names: Chrystal Marie and Veronica Rose
Hi there. It's Baby2feb19 from storksite. I got the email about the time and place. And came to look at you so I know who to look for. I cant wait to see you all. I love your webpage. I'm going to try to get a webpage up soon. Take care and God Bless
Lorri and Family
Nanea Hoffman - 05/07/98 10:09:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/3516/
My Email:robert@twics.com
childrens names: Matthew Kekoa
Hi Starshine,
I'm a fellow mom from the SAHM list. Just thought
I'd stop by your site. Angelina (beautiful name, BTW) is such a cutie-pie! Matthew says "Hubba, hubba!" Stop by our place sometime. :)
Erica - 04/30/98 19:28:43
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/8202/family.html
My Email:bvogle@webzone.net
childrens names: Lily Lorraine
Hi, I was just surfing around on the storkie ring when I came across your site. Great job!! Angie is a doll!! Come and visit us if you get a chance.
Tiffany - 04/19/98 22:57:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3218
My Email:health4life@sweethomes.com
childrens names: Jordan & Calyn
Your such a cutie! Tell Mommy HI for me!
Your 'cyber auntie' Tiff...
Katysmum - 04/14/98 18:24:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7997/
My Email:katysmum@geocities.com
# of children: 1 daughter
childrens names: Kathryn(Katy) Summer
You have a great homepage...you also have a very beautiful family....having children is one of the greatest(but trying) things in the world....
Keep up the good work...
~Katysmum~(a friend from Storksite)
Zingela - 04/08/98 12:07:51
The pictures were very nice ! I've got five children 13, 11, 10, 7, 4
Have a great time!
Love from Z
LadyNova - 04/07/98 01:27:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/4768/
My Email:ladynova@geocities.com
# of children: 1---so far :o)
childrens names: Alyssa Leigh
I love your page....and the dancing baby was a hoot! lol
Angelina is a real sweetie too :o)