I'm doing updates elsewhere...

I've found it much easier to use Manila to edit my new home page at dss.editthispage.com, so that's where I'm putting new material, including my Amsterdam diary. I don't expect to change this page again; what you see below this paragraph dates from 1998. However, since Geocities requires occasional updates to keep the files from being deleted, I'll make occasional content free updates like this one from time to time.

Welcome to our page

Until a few days ago, there was just enough here to keep GeoCities from deleting the page, but now we have a digital camera, so watch out. We're still working on adding text as appropriate -- pictures are easier.

Latest news!

David's trip to Paris (via Hursley)

David's trip to Australia

Jeffrey now has his own home page!

Jeffrey is a full-fledged Wolf Scout!

Jeffrey and Diane at the Pack meeting

About Jeffrey

Daddy likes to take pictures of me; here are a few:

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