........Pirate's Page........
I was born on the 7th of May, 1994 in Cocoa, Florida. My heritage consists of nothing but the best of stock, with my ancestors immigrating to this country several generations ago. So, you see, I am pure American, native born in the good old U S of A!!! My dad had wanted one of my kind since he was a beginning sailor and now he finally had his chance. In fact, he had a deposit on me when I was still in my initial protective covering. When I broke out of that, my mom and dad were unable to provide me the care and nurturing that I needed since they were both working. In case you don't know it, baby macaws, like other birds, need feeding every few hours, plus a great deal of love, guidance, and attention. These things would be impossible for my mom and dad to provide, with them both off to work all day. That's where my Aunt Linda comes in - she and her wonderful daughters took exceptional care of me until I could eat on my own and had gotten used to most of the behavioral parameters that I was expected to live within. That took about three and a half months but mom and dad came to spend time with me every weekend so I would know them and not be afraid when I had matured enough to go home. I really loved my Aunt Linda, and her daughters too, especially Jennifer, but I couldn't wait to get to my new home with mom and dad. So I made up my mind that I was going to learn to eat like a big boy as soon as I could. At the end of August, Aunt Linda was satisfied that I could do it and told my dad that I was ready to go home. Three and a half months is close to record time for a Blue and Gold Macaw to be weaned and I did it on my own! I was very, very proud of that, as were my mom and dad and Aunt Linda too. Aunt Linda cried when I left because she really loved me as if I was her own. I certainly give her all the credit in the world for my initial upbringing and giving me the guidance to become what I have become. That, by the way, is one of the best, most loving, smartest, most talkative Blue and Gold Macaws around.
Believe it or not, this is a real picture of me with Jennifer.
I'm not painted on her t-shirt!
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