FRENCH and BYRNE Genealogy
The following information is research compiled by numerous family members. Mary Kaufman, was a wonderful help to me in the early years of my research. Many thanks to Robert Cawly (newest found half-cousin) who has been a wonderful source of information.
The Independence County Chronicle, Vol. XXXIX, April-July 1998, Numbers 3-4
Published by the Independence County Historical Society, Batesville, AR.
This publication features Margaret Abigale French, her husbands, and her children by both men (pages 2 - 27). Also included is a FLINN Family Photo Album (pages 28 - 37) with pictures of John M. Nash and Margaret Abigale FRENCH Flinn Nash and many others.
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Margaret Abigale French
Born 1842 in Pike County Missouri.
Married the following men in Independence CO, AR
1st: 10 Sept. 1858 to Jesse Washington Flinn
2nd: 19 Sept. 1875 to John M. Nash
Died: 6 February 1916 in Independence CO AR
Her obituary appeared in the Batesville Guard, 11 Feb. 1916. "Mrs. Abigail Nash, aged 74, one of the oldest and most highly respected women of the Desha neighborhood, died Sunday and was buried in the Alderbrook Cemetery Monday."
Daughter of Alphous French and Juliet Ann Byrne
Siblings: Mary Jane C. ca 1833 VA; Uriah ca 1835 VA; Elizabeth U. ca 1838 VA or MO; James D. ca 1839 MO; Alphous ca 1840 AR; William E. ca 1846 AR; Martha Ann ca 1847 AR: John ca 1849 AR; Lorenzo Dow (George) 1854 AR; Jesse W. ca 1858 AR.
Alphous French
Born about 1800 Fauquier CO VA
Married Juliette Ann Byrne 23 January 1832, Fauquier CO VA.
This family moved to Pike CO MO and then to Independence CO AR.
It is not clear when Alphous died but before 1870. There is an Alphous French who served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War and who was killed. Both Alphous and his son, Alphous, are gone by the next census. Juliette lived until 1915/16 and never applied for a Confederate pension leading me to believe that it was the son, Alphous, who died in that war.
Son of Daniel French.
Daniel French
In the proceedings of the accounting of George French dec'd and Reubin French dec'd properties, etc., Daniel French is repeatedly named as father of Alpheus French.
George French
Distributees of George French, deceased, 1838:
John French,
Burgess French,
Charles Chinn & wife (Sarah French daughter),
children of Daniel French
(Alpheus French, Daniel French, Lorenzo Dow French, Reuben French, Mary French, Sydney French, Lebbeus French and Margaret French);
children of Mason French (James French, Lewis French, Reuben French, Wm. Henderson & Jane his wife, Wm. Triplett & Frances French Triplett his wife, Sydney Garrett & Margaret French Garrett his wife, and Sarah French Bowen, children of Mary French Rutter a daughter of Mason French listed as Hugh, Ann, Mason, Jeames, Sarah, Margaret and Mary Rutter;
children of Reubin and Margaret Triplitt who was Margaret French
(William Triplett, Roderick Triplett, Reuben Triplett, John Triplett, John M. Anderson & Melinda his wife, John N ?? /e Keene? & Harriet his wife, Joseph Eidson,
and the children of their Delia - Sarah and Catharine Church.)
George French was the Administrator of Reuben FRENCH dec'd. Inventory and appraisal was recorded the 8 of February 1826, Fauquier County, Virginia.
John French
Believe Alphous French is grandson of John French. Alphous buys many articles from the estate of John French but is not mentioned in the will as an heir. John French was married to Margaret Burgess, 15 January 1749/50, possibly King George CO VA or Stafford CO VA. He was born about 1730 and died 1806 in Fauquier CO VA.
Known children: Mason, George, Elizabeth, Margaret, Daniel, John, Sarah, Reuben, and Burgess.
Mason French md Margaret Lacy 16 April 1749
Margaret French md Original Bowling, 16 March 1752
Margaret French md Reuben Triplett, 8 July 1790
Sarah French md Charles Chinn, 24 Feb. 1794
Burgess French md Priscilla Tiller, 1806 (Bk 3 p 47, Fauq. CO VA)
Juliet Ann Byrne
Married Alphous French, 23 Jan. 1832 in Fauquier CO VA
Daughter of Darby B. Byrne and Elizabeth B. Davis
Juliet was born about 1811/13, Prince William CO VA
She died 6 September 1916 in Independence CO AR.
Byrne, Eliz & Juliett guard chosen Fauquier CO 1832-1833 page 5
23 January 1832: Elizabeth Byrne, orphan of Darby Byrne dec'd an infant over 14 years of age, came into court and made choice of Alpheus French,as her guardian, etc,. . . Juliett Byrne, orphan of Darby Byrne decd an infant over 14 years of age, came into court and made choice of John Chinn, etc.
Darby B. Byrne
Born 14 Dec. 1782
Died about 1816 and before Sale List, Book 7, page 20 January 10, 1817 in Fauquier CO VA
Son of Uriah Byrne and Lydia Elizabeth Brown.
Elizabeth B. Davis Byrne (widow of Darby) married James P. Carter in Fauquier CO VA and moved to Independence CO AR.
Known children of Darby B. and Elizabeth B. Davis:
Juliet Ann ca 1808; Elizabeth who married John F. Chinn the same day Juliet married Alphous French and also moved to Independence CO AR.; and Uriah James ca 1812.
Fauquier CO VA Will Book 13 page 238, 1832-1835: Darby B. Byrne division of slaves.
Pursuant to a order of Fauquier County Court to us directed date on the 29th day of January 1834, we have thus allotted and divided the slaves belonging to the estate of Darby B. Byrne dec'd and also the slaves they would have been entitled to after the death of Uriah Byrne which he has given up for division.
To Alpheus French in right of his wife. Negro Ann & Child. Jane, Lydia and Harrison and James W Byrne to pay him $191.66 2/3 and Chinn to pay Alpheus French $35.75.
To James W. Byrne, Polly (or Rolly), Winney and child, Thomas & ?King??Kay??Ray?? and he is to pay Alpheus French $191.66 and he is also to pay John F. Chinn $183.35 all of which is respectfully submitted.
Given under ? hands this 18th day of February 1834.
Signd: Henry Priest, Joseph Gibson, Charles Smaw.
Uriah Byrne
Son of George Byrne and Lydia Brown
Born 1750/60 in Prince William CO VA
Died Fauquier CO VA
Md. Lydia Elizabeth Brown
Will of Uriah Byrne was probated 1836, Will BK 14, P 320 Fauquier CO VA. Will is dated 24 August 1827. "I give to the children of my deceased son, Darby B. Byrne, namely to Juliet Ann Byrne, Lydia E. Byrne, and Uriah James Byrne......"
Known children: Darby B. bn 14 Dec 1782;
James 1784;
Lucinda 1788 md John Flowerree Singleton 16 May 1812 and died 13 Apr 1880;
Charles; 1790;
Judith Byrne Mitchell did she marry John Mitchell who helped with the listing of the property of Darby B.Byrne estate?

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