Now I know that some of you think you want a monkey....especially after seeing Tomi's and Scooter's pictures. But, let me show you a different side to them. They are just like toddlers....they like to get into everything..AND I MEAN EVERYTHING!! And let's not forget those "fits" that they throw when they have to go in to their cages or when they don't want us to put a diaper on them.....they sure can pull hair and bite!! Diapers....that's a good topic!! Those diapers have to be changed regularly or they will get diaper rash.
Since monkeys like to be on a schedule....they have to eat and play, etc almost at the same time everyday. Tomi and Scooter get a bottle everynight at 9pm....and if I'm late.....they definately let me know!!
They both go "naked" in their, cleaning is essential. Washing monkey blankets and stuffed toys is part of it as well.
Now I bet you're saying......"that's not so bad". Well, I will be doing this for 35-40 yrs......that's how long Capuchins live. Think way ahead before even thinking of getting a monkey...or any exotic animal as a matter of fact. Think of the animal first!! I know sometimes uncontrollable things come about.......but say you get that exotic and decide 2-3 yrs later that it wasn't the right choice....that animal has already become attached to you and will be hurt that it has to leave it's home. JUST THINK ABOUT IT!! THINK OF THE ANIMAL BEFORE YOU THINK OF YOURSELF!!