Welcome to my guestbook.....Please sign it so that I will know that you were here!!

Dan Bridge - 09/04/00 03:51:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/danbridge
My Email:danbridge@hotmail.com

I enjoyed my visit here. Nice work.

Tammy - 08/29/00 14:12:47
My URL:http://www.webcreations99.com
My Email:tammyscreations@aol.com

Nice pages

phil triona - 08/06/00 04:32:11
My Email:phil@netpluscom.com

love your site

Veronica - 06/26/00 01:11:42
My URL:http://VNichelleMc.tripod.com/index.html
My Email:Gmccleign@hotmail.com

Tomi and Scooter are soo cute! Are they capuchins?I love primates. Keep up the good work

Caren - 06/02/00 03:54:08

sorry..this is a correction to my guestbook entry below that i just noticed: she is an animal TRAINER not trader! sorry! :o)

Caren - 06/02/00 03:51:28
My Email:cb_jellybean@yahoo.com

Great page..you have a lot of good info about having a monkey as a pet. Today during my zoology class we had a woman come who is an animal trader and she brought her monkey "Mojo" who has done some movies. It was funny ...he was very scared at first but once he got comfortable he came to me and no one else in my class. I was really surprised..he would only come to me. He was so sweet and curled up on my lap. I think that is great you own monkeys..I'm sure you take very good care of them! Great page!

kate cleaver - 05/31/00 21:50:36
My Email:Cleaver @ HIA.NET


Fairy D'Boxer - 05/24/00 08:00:52
My URL:http://thesitefights.com/dpets
My Email:dboxer@thesitefights.com


Doug Six - 04/29/00 21:55:28
My Email:dougsix23@hotmail.com

nice page it's pretty cool

Doug Six - 04/29/00 21:43:12
My Email:dougsix23@hotmail.com

nice page it's pretty cool

Jason Harvey - 03/22/00 14:21:25
My Email:vette13@bledsoe.net


brooke - 03/21/00 03:06:57
My Email:babydoll474@yahool.com

i love your page! tomi and scooter are sooo cute. ive been trying to buy a monkey now for about a year, but as you probably know, theyre not easy to come by. i have already converted a spare bedroom into a 'monkey room' and im all ready for the arrival of the baby monk. my first choice is a squirrel monkey, but now im considering a cap cause my husband found a man thru a friend who will give us a good deal on one. your site is really fun to look at! i visit about once a week, regardless of wether or not yo add to it. i just look at the same pictures of tomi and scooter each time. keep adding more pictures!! =) the new christmas ones were very adorable. by the way , what type of caps are they? brooke

Carly - 03/11/00 23:09:21
My Email:ylraccarly@aol.com

I love monkeys and I love this page! Please tell me about how you can have monkeys living in your hous

Linda - 03/05/00 03:53:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/flowerdo/
My Email:flowerdog2@webtv.net

I love your site!!! The monkeys are adorable!!! Please visit my site.

Zurama - 02/16/00 04:42:50
My URL:http://members.aol.com/zury16/zurama.html
My Email:Zuramart@aol.com

I will paint your pet portrait from you photographs. Thank you, Zurama Freelance artist

Nicholas Shelley - 01/28/00 03:30:23
My Email:anshell@hotmail.com

I really enjoyed viewing your web page

Tomi Brown - 01/25/00 00:46:07
My Email:Tomibrown@lasvegas.com


Tammy - 01/12/00 19:43:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/ladyva
My Email:lady_boyd@yahoo.com

Hi there! I enjoyed looking around. Pets are just so wonderful! I have a friend who calls me Tametha, so that attracted me to your page. *s* Please come visit mine if you have a chance. Take care!

Heather Schmitz - 08/07/99 20:13:25
My Email:ima_smart_alicc@yahoo.com

I love monkeys!!

michelle - 07/18/99 22:43:04
My Email:shelly66@excite.com

i am new to the monkey world, still trying to find out where to get one. If you can help please e-mail michelle

Leo Glende - 01/31/99 21:36:39
My Email:leomar@goodnet.

Well done! Thanks - Fair Winds and Smooth Sailing, Yeoman Glende

Micah - 10/07/98 20:00:12
My Email:muca@mailexcite.com

I love your page. I have wanted a monkey since I was very little. I had forgotten how much I wanted one until a lady came to the motel I work at and had one. It was the coolest thing. From then on I have been trying to research and find out as much as I can about the animals.

Charlie - 09/18/98 15:00:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7378
My Email:CBarth5632@aol.com

Hi, I stopped by your page last week and asked you to vote for me in the fall festival contest. I promised I'd be back to sign your guest book. Well, here I am. And we won the contest. If you voted for me I thank you, If you didn't then please remember I ept my promise and consider voting for me next time. As for your page. I think It's really great. And I'll be back soon. Now I'm going to continue looking around.

hanne-l - 08/20/98 21:18:57
My URL:http://users.iafrica.com/h/ha/hanne-l/Index.htm
My Email:hanne-l@iafrica.com.na

I love your stories and your pets. And you are so right about the warning! The animals needs should be thought of first.

Melanie - 08/18/98 21:27:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/7689
My Email:wiles6@vci.net

Hey Girl! I love new little one he is so cute! Hey I think my dad has a friend that races with your hubby! I forgat his name but I will Icq it to ya!!

Gayle Van - 08/17/98 19:36:53
My Email:gvan3320@powersite.net

Hope to hear from you. Enjoyed your website. We have monkey picnics down here in south Florida.We have 3 Capuchins, two adults and a nine month old.

Dan and Jean - 07/10/98 17:36:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/6878
My Email:majicsky@yahoo. com

Hi Tammi,family and pet's. We just joined the Heartland pet's web ring, and surfed on too you're site!!Great job with the graphic's we're beginner's but learning more every day!!! Check out our home page, when you get a chance, and don't forget to press the dog button. By the way, we're on I.C.Q. as well, our #'s =11017160(SKYDOC, Dan) and 12292344 (Majik, Jeannie) Talk with you soon, Dan and Jeannie.

Susan Cook - 07/07/98 21:56:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/4521
My Email:jusan@intergate.bc.ca

Great page! Tommy and the others are adorable. I was very impressed by the warning you had on all the Tommy pages. Very responisble! I am a big pet lover too although I stick to dogs and cats (at least for now! ) Hope you drop by my site!

Lori - 07/04/98 18:10:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1241/
My Email:couillad@mail.cadvision.com

Very much enjoyed your pages I just wish they loaded faster. Loved Tommy.

Sheryl Wenger - 06/30/98 22:31:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/3515/
My Email:wpindustries@sprint.ca

Hi the critters and I loved your site and would like you to come and visit our private little zoo:^>. Lots of pics,stories,art,poetry, and Hopefully you'll want to join our new web ring called " Home is where the Zoo is! " Help me link all those multipal ritter pages together.:^)

teva - 06/11/98 23:38:50

What a wonderful collection of pets you have! They must keep you quite busy. Visit my page sometime!

Jamie Reed - 06/03/98 16:55:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/7182
My Email:amber23@mailexcite.com

Hello. Just surfing some of the homes in the neighborhood. Your page is looking good, I'll come by again to see what else you add. Take care.

Diane Ebarb - 05/29/98 03:17:32

Very good. Tommy is adoreable. Diane Ebarb

Connie & Kris - 05/29/98 01:09:08
My Email:cweiser@cyberback.com

What a good looking boy you are Tommy.. Kris is hopeing that his mom thinks of a phone next time he has a birthday..Happy belated Birthday Connie and Kris on the PPP list.. a: )

Lu - 04/15/98 04:44:14
My Email:joluhall@csj.net

I like your page..beautiful capuchin!! I have java macaques..

Connie - 04/14/98 12:18:08
My Email:cweiser@cyberback.com

Wonderful pet family..!!!!!!!! Glad you joined us on PPP!!!

Tabby - 04/03/98 01:52:32

Hey just dropping in!!

- 03/18/98 03:28:29


furry - 03/15/98 20:16:03
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/2637

Hi there! Had fun the other night *LOL*

furry - 03/15/98 20:14:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/2637

Couldn't find tommy today :(

Sylvester - 03/14/98 05:42:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/valley/7689
My Email:wiles6@vci.net

Hey, loved the pic! Can't wait to see more!

Terry - 03/12/98 05:07:23
My Email:mnkyfmly@gate.net

It was great taking a trip with you from mega to your home page. It is great. Will be back again to see how Tommy grows.

dad - 03/08/98 02:50:32
My Email:ut2@mailexcite.com

good show...love dad

JeWeL - 03/07/98 18:45:43
My Email:JenJackman@juno.com

Tommy's a cutie! Like the site. Keep up the good work.

RONI - 03/07/98 04:45:19


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