Welcome to Willey Web. Please take a minute to sign my guestbook.

Dan Bridge - 09/03/00 23:18:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/danbridge
My Email:danbridge@hotmail.com
Comments.: Was that Marica Brady post lemon eat?
Hello. I know I'm not part of your family, but I enjoyed my visit to your web page anyhow. You have a great sense of humor.

Stace - 07/07/99 03:35:05
My Email:StaceAndy@aol.com
Comments.: Pretty good for an old man!
Can't wait for the new site and use the links. The new one leaves this one in the dust. (Except for the pictures of the doggies of course)

Earl - 10/29/98 06:06:18
My Email:earllm@aol.com
Comments.: great site
Problems with Site.: None
Favorite Web Page.: family pictures
You have really dressed this site up. Mine looks pretty plain. Have you tried Freemem? It has stopped a lot of my memory problems and lockups. Dean's new job is going great. Been busy painting so havn't had a lot of time for computer recently. Uncle Earl

10/04/98 10:52:25
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

- 07/30/98 00:47:43

martha ung - 04/07/98 16:10:04
My Email:markung@msn.com
Comments.: cool website dude
Problems with Site.: not enough pictures
Favorite Web Page.: family photos
GREAT job !! Add more pictures !! Keep up the good work. add some music too and could you please send some popcorn over and a soda and then it will all be just perfect !! Marty

Beppe "the brute" Hellstrom - 03/07/98 22:49:40
My URL:http://www.pcwin.com\hasse
My Email:hasse@pcwin.com
Comments.: Too often!
Problems with Site.: www.fartpasser2000.com
Favorite Web Page.: www.yuranus.com
Rida Rida Ranka hästen hette Blanka vart skall vi rida till prästegå`rn och fria när vi kom fram, var de ingen hemma de låg två små hundar under bänken och skramla med länken den ena sa vov vov och den andra sa VOV VOV

Sven Svenska - 03/01/98 03:59:11
My Email:gaw042@email.msn.com
Comments.: Gud Yob!
Favorite Web Page.: www.pcwin.com
Ya dis is gud Grant. Take it from a Svenska broder.

Grant Willey - 03/01/98 03:50:09
My Email:gaw042@email.msn.com
Comments.: Good JOB
Testing the new guestbook.

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