Steve Langdon, I Surv
ived the Northridge Earth Quake
Read the incredible story of my friend Steve Langdon as he tells of the terrifi
ng moments after the Northridge quake and being trapped in the rubble of the No
rthridge Meadows Apt. building where he lived. These Lips proudly displayed here for Scott Labrecque. The finest Dr. Scott any Rocky Horror cast has ever had...well, o.k. so I'm biased :)~. Smooches Scott :)~
Banshee's Poetry Page
My friend Scott Labrecque's page where you can read his awesome poetry. Learn about
Midnight Insanity & The Rocky Horror Picture Show which plays at the Long Beach Art Theater
where Scott is a member of the cast. Highlander's Web Page
My friend Eddie's Home Page. Gentle Cougar's Page Cajun's Page Mr. Natural (Mike's) Page
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