Shaun & Treanne's World at a Glance

Welcome to Shaun and Treanne's virtual world... This site is brand spanking new so lacks direction, vision, content and therefore probably interest!

Bear with us tho' and we'll see if we can make it interesting....

If nothing else this page should serve as a way for me to manage our rapidly expanding "bookmarks" files... I'm not sure what this does for you?

But, what do you expect? We've probably never even met... :>)

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Our Family and Our Interests.....
Shaun's Stuff Treanne's Stuff
Eli's Stuff Taren's Stuff Harley's Stuff
My Mother's Stuff (Till she gets her home page....
This is where the pottery is...)

Mom's Millenium Firing!

Time Courtesy of the USNO Master Clock :


Visitors Since: September 7, 1997
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