This site promotes and encourages patriotism of citizens of the United States of America, welcome to the The Patriotic Review. This simple, straightforward web site will post reports, commentaries and other contents which will be provided in the menu found below. Although you can scroll through the entire site, you may also use your browser "BACK" button to return to the menu. Any other local links will have a Patriotic Review link available. Send your reports of patrotism, heroism or other related items for our consideration to post on this website via email to: [Site viewed best with high resolution settings, please use your reload or refresh if any pictures or graphics seem missing] |
Featured on June 2, 2004 Follow this link to read President Bush's address to the 2004 graduating class of the United States Air Force Academy. Compare his comments to the commentary that was submitted here at The Patriotic Review in the fall of 2001. Featured in April 2004 The World War II posters displayed on this site were provided by the Government Publications Department at Northwestern University Library. Their comprehensive collection of over 300 posters were issued by U.S. Federal agencies from the onset of war through 1945. We wish thank them for the opportunity to share a select number of these posters, and provide the following link to visit their archive of posters. ![]() ![]() ![]() was published in the Amarillo Globe-News during the Gulf War. ![]() surrendered to serve in full time ministry since their service to their country. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A contrast of leadership and ideology can be seen by two recent columns published in the THE WASHINGTON TIMES. No matter what your opinion of this newspaper, or the writer Joseph Curl, you should read for yourself the vast differences between our present Commander-in-Chief President Bush, and former President Clinton.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We encourage you to specifically include in your prayers the men which serve from all branches of the military involved in what is known as "Special Operations". As you do, it would be even more inspiring to remember what the offfical
says. Learn more about that prayer and understand the Heart of the young men who know it, live it, and pray these thoughts prior to the most dangerous times of their life - which they face to defend the freedom which we enjoy. Mommy Liberty |
Share your reports of patrotism, heroism or other related items for our consideration to post on this website via email: |
The following commentary is provided from a recently forwarded email entitled: "This is what I think." | |
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma School officials remove "God Bless America" signs from schools in fear that someone might be offended. Channel 12 News in Long Island, New York, orders flags removed from the newsroom and red, white, and blue ribbons removed from the lapels of reporters. Why? Management did not want to appear biased and felt that our nations flag might give the appearance that "they lean one way or another". Berkeley, California bans U.S. Flags from being displayed on city fire trucks because they didn't want to offend anyone in the community. In an "act of tolerance" the head of the public library at Florida Gulf Coast University ordered all "Proud to be an American" signs removed so as to not offend international students. I, for one, am quite disturbed by these actions of so-called American citizens; and I am tired of this nation worrying about whether or not we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled in New York and Washington D.C. when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. In fact, our country's population is almost entirely comprised of descendants of immigrants; however, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some native Americans, need to understand. First of all, it is not our responsibility to continually try not to offend you in any way. This idea of America being a multi-cultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language, and our own lifestyle. This culture, called the "American Way" has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. Our forefathers fought, bled, and died at places such as BunkerHill, Antietam, San Juan, Iwo Jima, Normandy, Korea, and Vietnam. We speak English, not Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society learn our language! In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some off-the-wall, Christian, Right Wing, political slogan it is our national motto. It is engraved in stone in the House of Representatives in our Capitol and it is printed on our currency. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation; and this is clearly documented throughout our history. If it is appropriate for our motto to be inscribed in the halls of our highest level of Government, then it is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. God is in our pledge, our National Anthem, nearly every patriotic song, and in our founding documents. We honor His birth, death, and resurrection as holidays, and we turn to Him in prayer in times of crisis. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture and we are proud to have Him. We are proud of our heritage and those who have so honorably defended our freedoms. We celebrate Independence Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Flag Day. We have parades, picnics, and barbecues where we proudly wave our flag. As an American, I have the right to wave my flag, sing my national anthem, quote my national motto, and cite my pledge whenever and wherever I choose. If the Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. The American culture is our way of life, our heritage, and we are proud of it. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. We are Americans, like it or not, this is our country, our land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinion about our government, culture, or society, and we will allow you every opportunity to do so. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great American freedom, the right to leave. S.A.S. If you agree, pass this onto other Americans!! It is time to take a stand!! |
Webmaster comment: Concerning the issue of language use brought up in paragraph #8, where the letter writer stated, "We speak English, not Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society learn our language!" I offer the following: My definition of "becoming a part of our society" (as the writer might have intended) is the use of a language and/or languages which are accepted in the BUSINESS COMMUNITY in your region. I agree that it is somewhat rude to speak a language other than English in mixed company in order to communicate covertly. But we have the right to be rude (if we choose) in our free society. However, in most cases, BUSINESS is conducted by parties which speak fluent English, and that ability to conduct business in English makes one a more viable participant in our society. I could make up my own language and teach it to as many people as would like to speak it with me and each other as I like. That's an example of the freedom we have here. It's just that if I were to expect anyone else to learn this new language, or hire one of my friends to interpret for me in order to do business with me - that's expecting more tolerance from the established society than I deserve. |
November 8, 2001 Clinton calls terror a U.S. debt to past By Joseph Curl THE WASHINGTON TIMES |
November 9, 2001 Bush tells America, 'Let's roll' By Joseph Curl THE WASHINGTON TIMES |
Bill Clinton, the former president, said yesterday that terror has existed in America for hundreds of years and the nation is "paying a price today" for its past of slavery and for looking "the other way when a significant number of native Americans were dispossessed and killed." "Here in the United States, we were founded as a nation that practiced slavery, and slaves quite frequently were killed even though they were innocent," said Mr. Clinton in a speech to nearly 1,000 students at Georgetown University's ornate Gaston Hall. "This country once looked the other way when a significant number of native Americans were dispossessed and killed to get their land or their mineral rights or because they were thought of as less than fully human. "And we are still paying a price today," said Mr. Clinton, who was invited to address the students by the university's School of Foreign Service. Mr. Clinton, wearing a gray suit and orange tie, arrived 45 minutes late for the event. Some students camped out overnight to obtain tickets. The former president, a member of the Jesuit university's Class of 1968, opened his 50-minute speech by thanking a former teacher. "He never abandoned me over all these years, even though he did not succeed in convincing me to become a Jesuit," said Mr. Clinton, drawing laughter and then cheers from the almost entirely white crowd of students. Mr. Clinton spoke from notes about the world after September 11. He sought to dispel fears of terrorism and "this anthrax business." "I submit to you that we are now in a struggle for the soul of the 21st century and the world in which you students will live to raise your own children and make your own way," he said. Mr. Clinton said the international terrorism that has only just reached the United States dates back thousands of years. "In the first Crusade, when the Christian soldiers took Jerusalem, they first burned a synagogue with 300 Jews in it and proceeded to kill every woman and child who was a Muslim on the Temple Mount. I can tell you that story is still being told today in the Middle East and we are still paying for it." Mr. Clinton said America needs to pay more attention to its enemies and to the way the United States is viewed by the rest of the world. "There are a lot of people that see the world differently than we do. It is quite important that we do more to build the pool of potential partners in the world and to shrink the pool of potential terrorists. And that has nothing to do with fighting, but that has to do with what else we do. "This is partly a Muslim issue, because there is a war raging within Islam. We need to reach out and engage the Muslim world in a debate." Mr. Clinton referred to stories in the media about some American citizens cheering the terrorist attacks and suspected mastermind Osama bin Laden. "This debate is going on all over America. We've got to stop pretending this isn't out there," he said. Addressing matters of globalization, Mr. Clinton pondered the importance of such issues as technology, poverty, democracy, diversity, the environment, disease and terrorism. "Here's how I think you ought to think about it," he said. "We cannot ignore the fact that we have vulnerability at home because of our interdependence." The answer, Mr. Clinton said, is to spread freedom and democracy, reduce global poverty, forgive billions in debt, improve health care systems and encourage even fund education in developing countries. "We ought to pay for these children to go to school a lot cheaper than going to war," he said. Perhaps most important, he said, is democracy. "It's no accident that most of these terrorists come from non-democratic countries. If you live in a country where you're never required to take responsibility for yourself, where you never even have to ask whether there's something you should be doing to solve your own problems, then people are kept in kind of a permanent state of collective immaturity and it becomes quite easy for them to believe that someone else's success is the cause of their distress. "We've got to defeat people who think they can find their redemption in our destruction. And then we have to be smart enough to get rid of our arrogant self-righteousness so that we don't claim for ourselves things we deny for others." The former president, who left office just 10 months ago after an eight-year tenure, said the federal government is "woefully" lacking on several key terrorism-prevention areas. "We need to strengthen our capacity to chase the money and get it, and we need some legislation on that," said Mr. Clinton, coincidentally on the same day President Bush, who has made freezing terrorist assets a "front" of his war on terrorism, announced the United States has moved to block the assets of 62 persons and groups associated with two financial networks linked to bin Laden. "And one area where we are woefully lacking is the simple use of modern computer tech to track people that come into this country," he said. While he criticized "the governmental capacity" now, he said "we all must support our current government in whatever decision they make." "This is not a perfect society but it is stumbling in the right direction," he said. At the end of his speech, Mr. Clinton who was impeached for lying under oath about a sexual relationship with a 21-year-old White House intern said the entire issue revolves around "the nature of truth." "This battle fundamentally is about what you think about the nature of truth," he said, noting that God has imposed on us the inability to ever know "the whole truth." He also championed women's rights in Afghanistan, saying the reason "you see all those sanctimonious guys beating those women with sticks" is because the country's rulers demand strict adherence to the rules. Students crowded around to shake the former president's hand after his speech. There were no detractors in the crowd, despite the fact that the university newspaper in September 1998 called on Mr. Clinton, then mired in scandal, to resign. "The American public," the Hoya said in a 1998 editorial, "has forgotten that international and domestic terrorism requires a proactive defense plan. Terrorists must be caught before they strike, and we must remember that those strikes always come when our head is turned toward other matters." |
ATLANTA President Bush last night called on Americans to "show the world the true values of America," invoking the words of a young man who was killed fighting terrorists aboard a hijacked plane on September 11.
"We will no doubt face new challenges. But we have our marching orders. My fellow Americans, let's roll," he told a cheering audience. In a prime time national address carried live by only one broadcast network Mr. Bush said the nation has risen to the challenges of war on terrorism, fighting to preserve the best of America. "Many ask, 'What can I do to help in our fight?' The simple answer is all of us can become a September 11 volunteer by making a commitment to service in our own communities," Mr. Bush said. "One way to defeat terrorism is to show the world the true values of America through the gathering momentum of millions of acts of responsibility and decency and service," he said, prompting a standing ovation from the audience of about 5,000 people gathered at the Georgia World Congress Center. Mr. Bush won the loudest applause at the end, when he praised the actions of passengers who fought hijackers aboard United Airlines Flight 93 before it crashed into a Pennsylvania field. Mr. Bush recalled the words of Todd Beamer, a 32-year-old Sunday school teacher, who was overhead on a cellular phone to say, "Let's roll" as passengers charged the terrorists. Mr. Beamer talked to a cellular-phone company supervisor for about 13 minutes before his plane crashed into a field in western Pennsylvania. He told Lisa Jefferson that the passengers had decided they would not be pawns in the suicidal destruction of a national monument. Before going off to foil the hijackers, Mr. Beamer made Miss Jefferson promise to call his wife and two children. In his 32-minute speech, Mr. Bush proposed mobilizing 20,000 Senior Corps and AmeriCorps participants to support homeland security. Under the plan, 10,000 new volunteers would support police departments and other local agencies, freeing up local officials needed in the case of a terrorist attack. The plan also calls for 5,000 volunteers to support public health agencies and another 5,000 to respond to areas hit by terrorism, working with federal agencies to help those most affected. "We will ask state and local officials to create a new, modern civil-defense service similar to local volunteer fire departments to respond to local emergencies when the manpower of governments get thin," Mr. Bush said. "We will find ways to train and mobilize more volunteers to help when rescue and health emergencies arise." The president said the act of volunteering will send a message to those in the world who view Americans as "shallow, materialistic consumers who care only about getting rich or getting ahead." "This isn't the America I know," he said. Mr. Bush also announced the creation of a presidential task force on "citizen preparedness" in the war on terrorism and directed it to make recommendations in 40 days to help prepare Americans for terrorism in their homes, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, places of worship and public places. Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge will be co-chairman of the task force, which will also recommend ways Americans can support local officials, including police and fire departments and community health centers, in the face of a terror attack. Mr. Bush also used the address, which was interrupted by audience applause more than 25 times, to update Americans on the status of the U.S.-led war against terrorism and lay out what steps the federal government is taking to make the United States safer. At home, the president said the Coast Guard has taken on "expanded duties to protect our shores," the National Guard has stepped up surveillance on borders and new anti-terrorism laws give "our law-enforcement officials the necessary tools to track terrorists before they harm Americans." Abroad, Mr. Bush said, Afghanistan's ruling Taliban made a choice not to turn over terrorist Osama bin Laden, "and now they are paying a price." Speaking from a podium in front of a giant banner that read "United We Stand," Mr. Bush also lauded postal and health care workers many of whom have handled the ongoing anthrax scare, as "new heroes." "Tonight, we join in thanking a whole new group of public servants who never enlisted to fight a war, but find themselves on the front battle nonetheless: those who deliver our mail America's postal workers," the president said, prompting cheers from the ticketed audience that included many police, firefighters, postal workers and health care workers. "We also thank those whose quick response provided preventive treatment that has no doubt saved thousands of lives our health care workers." The president told Americans that they can never succumb to fear the intent of terrorists. Despite two announcements that "credible" threats of terrorism called for "high alert" by law enforcement officials, Mr. Bush said life must go on. "There is a difference between being alert and being intimidated," he said. "A terrorism alert is not a signal to stop your life. It is a call to be vigilant to know that your government is on high alert, and to add your eyes and ears to our efforts to find and stop those who want to do us harm." Throughout the speech, the president sought to uplift Americans struggling to adapt to the post-September 11 world. "Americans have responded magnificently, with courage and with caring None of us would ever wish the evil that has been done to our country, yet we have learned that out of evil can come great good," he said. "We are a different country than we were on September 10: sadder and less innocent; stronger and more unified; and in the face of ongoing threats, determined and courageous." He praised schoolchildren who have sent in more than $1 million to help the children of Afghanistan. And he said Americans have fallen back on the backbone of the nation family, religion, friends. Mr. Bush reiterated the nature of the terrorists who killed nearly 5,000 people from 80 countries at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. "We are the targets of enemies who boast they want to kill all Americans, kill all Jews, kill all Christians. "We have seen that type of hate before, and the only possible response is to confront it and defeat it," he said to applause. "The best way to defend our homeland, the best way to make sure our children can live in peace, is to take the battle to the enemy and stop them." When Mr. Bush first arrived in Atlanta yesterday afternoon, he toured the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC has drawn praise for around-the-clock probing of the anthrax attacks but sharp criticism in the media for moving too slowly when the bacteria was identified in post offices. Speaking to reporters at the center, Mr. Bush said he was open to the idea of inoculating Americans against smallpox, eradicated around the world in 1977 but feared as a possible terrorist weapon. But he added, "One of my concerns if we were to have universal vaccination, some might lose their lives." Mr. Bush was making the first visit by a sitting president to CDC headquarters, a complex that Sen. Max Cleland, Georgia Democrat, describes as "a shambles." The 22 buildings scattered between two campuses just outside Atlanta have leaky roofs, with computers covered by plastic sheets to keep the rain off. Inside some laboratories, gutters hang on chains to divert rainwater, and termite-infested floors are dangerously soft. Last month, outdated wiring caused a 15-hour power outage that delayed the agency's identification of anthrax sent by mail to media organizations in New York. Mr. Bush has carefully chosen the venues of major appearances since the September 11 attacks. He addressed Congress on Sept. 20 and held the first nighttime news conference of his presidency Oct. 11 at the White House. |
It's not protesters who will end this war, It's soldiers, just like years before. You stand up for this civil right You would not have without a fight. Yet when the war is over And our soldiers have come home, Which one of you will stand and fight For the soldiers left alone? Whom of you will have the nerve To fight for rights that they deserve? And how long do the memories Iast For fighting soldiers of the past? Yes, when this war is over, It's all come to an end, How long will we remember Our fighting soldiers then? |