I recently went shopping for a guitar. If you are like me somtimes when you want something it just consumes you. Well, I was consumed with buying a guitar. I even tried to buy but found myself $14 too short. Now I am in business and I would never pass up a thousand dollar sale for 14 bucks. Never. But, it was as if God was saying "this is not my way, Slow down and let me provide." So I did, I turned over my desire to get a guitar to him and told him that I would wait for his timing. Later that day I checked my email and a guy I had met the day before left me a message saying he felt like God was telling him to give me his guitar. My brother told me not to get to excited because it was probably junk if someone wanted to give a guitar away. But it wasn't junk it is one of the nicest guitar I have ever played and it is perhaps one of God's biggest blessings.
Now to the point. I had some one tell me that he must not be living right because God had not blessed him in the same way. But, Gods' blessings are all around just waiting to be claimed. If God does not seem to be blessing your life try something earth shaking. JUST ASK.
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