WELCOME!! I am sure glad you decided to stop by! I have several rooms for you to visit, so grab a cup of coffee and a comfortable chair and above all "HAVE FUN!"
If you are a return visitor you will notice that there is something new to make it easier to navigate around my site! I had to get rid of the Teleporters..it just took too long to update them all once I added pages! I now have a "MENU PAGE"..Please let me know what you think of it by signing my guestbook, or emailing me! THANKS
You will notice as you wander around in my world that I have a love of Victorian things. This site gives me the opportunity to display that to the world. I am in the process of changing all of my backgrounds to reflect that love and if you find one that you like especially well, take it and enjoy! The only thing I ask is to check the "credit" line at the bottom to be sure I have not requested for others NOT to use that particular background.
The new background sets you will find on this site have been made by me and are included in BJ's Design Shoppe This is where I get to REALLY express myself with Paint Shop Pro!
Most pages checked and updated on a daily basis!

Head to the "MENU PAGE" for a list of the pages in BJ's World with a little explanation of each page!!
Click on player to hear "Rose" from Titanic!
Background courtesy of