"Hello and welcome to my home page!
I'm very glad that you made it and however you may
have landed here, I'm happy to see you!"

Back in 1996 I decided to learn how to design my own web pages.
My purposes for doing so where twofold.
First off, I enjoyed a good clean chat,
and over the years, have met many people from all over the world.
And though I don't have to much time for chatting anymore,

I still wanted to have a web site that offers a little information
about me & my family.

It's been ages since I've updated these pages, so please have patience
if you come across any broken links.  I'm finally getting the time to work on them!

Since I started this web page a lot has happened in my life
and many things have kept me from my computer. 



& my own business 
also a part-time job and just plain life!

And finally, as a inexperience 'surfer' and 'online user' way back when,
I ran into many road blocks while wanting to create those pages!
It was then that I decided to start my own collection of backgrounds,
counters, clip art, guest books and other helpful links.
So... over the past years, a many procrastinating months, and many, many changes,
here are my pages.  My link pages are by no means overflowing,
and some links possibly outdated.
I do hope that you yourself will find them helpful.

Links to Some

If you find any more interesting links that may suit my pages,
please don't hesitate to let me know!

E-mail me at kassi321@shaw.ca


Take a minute and sign my Guest Book.
It's always a thrill to learn that you were here!

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Updated. Finally! 
March 19, 2003