Because of popular interest, the latest immigration news from FAIR is included at the bottom of the page. Links to all daily news from FAIR is included. - Joan

Links to other sites on the Web.

For those wishing to study the immigration problem in depth, go to

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The Excitement of Genealogy

Where to find it

The Excitement of Genealogy !

When we think of Genealogy, we think of ancestors.

Emerson said that the ancestor of every action is a thought.

To think is to act!

Joseph Jastrow wrote, "Thinking is just a convenient name for a complex group of mental processes by which we get acquainted with the world, learn to find our way in it, and adapt ourselves to the laws of our environment. That environment man both finds and makes. His desire to control natural forces has greatest incentive to thinking. The test of thinking is that it works to human benefit and enlightment."

Mary (Ball) Washington, mother of George, said, "Language is only the vehicle of thought."

Delight and Reward

by Henry Van Dyke

"The delight lies in the conception of something that craves utterance: and the reward lies in the production of something that goes out alive into the world."

"A true call to the vocation of literature is both inward and outward: a strong desire of self-expression, and a proved power to communicate thought and feeling through the written word." does one find "excitement" in the study of genealogy?

I have found "excitement," "delight" and "reward" from the friends I have found in the genealogical societies into which I have been accepted: The Mayflower Society, The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, The Colonial Dames XVII Century, and The Colonial Dames of America.
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, founded in 1890, is a service organization dedicated to service to the Nation. Its objectives are Historic Preservation, Promotion of Education and Patriotic Endeavor. The President General is the official spokesman for the National Society.
I am "delighted" to be a member of the Michigan Genesee Chapter, NSDAR, which celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 1997. --Joan K. Smith

For additional reading on thought, action and utterance:
"The Products of the Brain: Articles of Constant Export and Import" - Joan K. Smith, POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENT: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Editor: Dr. Virginia Abernethy, anthropologist, Vanderbilt University [Dr. Abernethy is author of POPULATION POLITICS: The Choices that Shape Our Future, Insight Books, Plenum Press, New York, 1993.], Volume 17, Number 3, pp. 261-62, January 1996, Human Sciences Press, Inc., New York.

Let's hear it for CITIZENSHIP!

Citizenship in the United States has changed drastically and for the worse.

Our desire to acknowledge diversity has evolved into a willingness to value it over the shared goals and vision of the American people, which in turn has led to what Georgie Anne Geyer, a prominent syndicated columnist and one of our first women foreign correspondents, terms the Balkanization of America.

Anchoring her points with exhaustive research, interviews, and the testimony of people on both sides of currently explosive issues, Geyer shows us a nation in turmoil over illegal immigration, non-citizen voting, and bilingualism -- and in so doing, she shows us a nation that has become more concerned with individual rights and individual identity than with the common good.

Geyer examines both the complex and conflicting extranational loyalties of the American people and the dilution of our civic culture.

She demonstrates the way our sense of national unity is undermined by a heterogenization that includes the administration of citizenship tests in Spanish, the failure of new citizens to put down roots beyond the economic and the loss of the profound and irrevocable citizenship ritual of swearing in -- a milestone that used to rank among birth, death, and marriage and that now can be commemorated in a foreign language through the mail.

Equally she traces our political apathy to the disintegration of what is the most basic privilege and responsibility of American citizenship -- self-government at the local level.

We are increasingly distanced and disenfranchised by the media packaging of politics, and as we cease to feel a crucial part of the national equation, we cease, in our own hearts and minds, to put our nation first.

calls out..."Let's hear it for CITIZENSHIP!"

Updated November 28, 1998; December 5, 1998; December 6, 1998; December 8, 1998; December 9, 1998; December 13, 1998; April 1, 1999; April 30, 1999; May 29, 1999; June 10, 1999; September 7, 1999; February 5, 2000; February 29, 2000; March 21, 2000; March 27, 2000; May 16, 2000; June 11, 2000; July 18, 2000; August 14, 2000; September 30, 2000; October 7, 2000; November 5, 2000; December 14, 2000; December 18, 2000; January 17, 2001; February 22, 2001; March 15, 2001; April 12, 2001; May 8, 2001; May 28, 2001; June 14, 2001; July 17, 2001; August 15, 2001; Sept. 16, 2001; October 7, 2001; October 22, 2001; November 23, 2001; December 31, 2001; February 16, 2002; April 20, 2002; May 25, 2002; June 22, 2002; July 20, 2002; September 1, 2002; September 19,2002; October 25, 2002; November 19, 2002; December 20, 2002; January 19, 2003, February 3, 2003; February 16, 2003; March 18, 2003; April 18, 2003; May 18, 2003; May 22, 2003; May 28, 2003; August 4, 2003; September 6, 2003; October 7, 2003; November 8, 2003; December 12, 2003; January 13, 2004; January 26, 2004; 2-8-04; 2-9-04; 4-5-04; 5-6-04; 6-13-04; 7-19-04; 8-19-04; 11-5-04; 12-5-04; 2-14-05; 4-06-05; 5-15-05; 6-28-05; 8-1-05; 9-19-05; 11-07-05; 2-6-06; 3-5-06; 4-5-06; 5-7-06; 6-01-06; 7-04-06; 8-9-06; 9-24-06; 1-30-07; 2-26-07; 11-22-07; 1-1-08 by Joan K. Smith [Note for those inquiring: Due to the changing of counter companies many times on all sites, the actual count of hits is not shown.]

Links to other sites on the Web.

The Products of the Brain: Articles of Constant Export and Import. The transition from unconscious to conscious thought is education. Learning a thing is but recognizing it.

Musings: How Lucky Michigan is! George Washington's Diary with his thoughts on Thanksgiving is in the Detroit Public Library.

Notes.html: For genealogical researchers: (1) Facts about the "Dey" line. (2) George Washington's Headquarters at Preakness!

Book Review! William Greider's ONE WORLD, READY OR NOT: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism.

Check out Roy Beck's powerful site.

If any book can prompt action on the part of the reader, this thoughtful, well-documented book should.
Roy Beck's THE CASE AGAINST IMMIGRATION: The Moral, Economic, Social, and Environmental Reasons for Reducing U.S. Immigration Back To Traditional Levels informs in simple terms how Congress and the President continue to pass and sign legislation against the will of the people.

Beck reinforces the growing number of specialists who identify over-population as the root cause of many of our problems.

Book Review!

Virginia Abernethy's book, POPULATION POLITICS: The Choices That Shape Our Future, is the most important book written in my life-time.

Quoting from Abernethy's book: "Americans are too careless in protecting their own heritage and too ready to impose western culture on others."

"Organization is one of the linchpins of prosperity, and it depends on stability and security. But maintenance of order within a democratic framework ultimately depends on the consent and consensus of the governed. Without a core of common values, order depends upon coercion and the criminal justice system. Public safety in today's American cities comes at the cost of erosion in treasured liberties such as freedom from unreasonable seach and seizure -- the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. And the shift toward state coerciveness will probably be irreversible so long as the numbers outside the law, or in disagreement with fundamental values, keep growing."

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