Selina Gomez-Beloz, MLS
This page is under construction. Time and funding will help.
There are so many things that interest me that I wanted to share them with everyone. The easiest way to do this is with a list. Please browse and see if you find something you like.
Library related links

- The New York Public Library
- The Internet Public Library the first virtual library.
- TeenLink- hosted by NYPL, this is a great place for teens to find fun and information.
Links for women and women in business
- Women's Wire. A great place for women to find information important to their lives.
- Advancing Women
- Business Women's Net
- Work at Home Mom magazine. A great place for WOH/small business women to meet, network, and relax.
- Wordweb. Sponsered by Now, an area for Texas business women but with info good for all women in business.
- Idea Cafe. Drop in, chat, have a cup of coffee and learn more about running your business.
- Amazon City. I just like this place. Lots of good info.
Links for Latinos
- Hispanic Magazine
- CLNET - Chicano Latino Net (UCLA)
- The Azteca Web Page
- Mundo Latino
- The Bilingual Bridge. Bilingual site covering various education topics.
Links about Unitarian Universalism
- An informative page for Unitarians with links.
- 100 Questions about UUism by the UU Church of Nashua.
- Unitarian Universalist Association - Bulletin boards, chats, new, info. and locators.
Links for parents/families
ParentsPlace.Com This is a great place for reciepies, chatting, and support.
Parent Soup
Other places I just like
National Public Radio
Amazon.Com (They have lots of my money!)
Questions? Mail me
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Last update: August 27 , 1997
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