Gomez-Beloz Family Homepage

Gomez-Beloz Family Homepage

Family PicClick here for a larger image.

***We have new pictures up from a family visit to Venezuela here. More pictures will be added over the next couple of days, so check back often.***


As always we should introduce ourselves.


I am Selina.

I'm a librarian at heart but a woman who wants to do it all wanna-be. You would think that while only doing volunteer work at IVIC's library - the Biblioteca Marcel Roche I would manage that. Nope.

Also check out my page for other links to some of my interests.

AlfredoAlfredo Gomez-Beloz

Alfredo is PhD student in Plant Sciences through CUNY and the New York Botanical Garden. His main area of study is ethnobotony. Right now he is in Venezuela doing his field research on the Warao. Alfredo is back in the Delta! You can see a picture (rather large) of one of the villages he works in on his page. More information about his work and ethnobotany in general is being posted slowly. Check there in a couple of weeks for new pictures!

Shellane (age 12).

Shellane was born on my birthday, though I won't say which year since that will date me. Even before she was born I knew we had a special connection. Shellane will be in Junior High in the fall! She is already beginning track practice in addition to basketball, piano, and vollyeball. Pictures of Shellane are now on the Family page.


**I'll be 3 years old in a few weeks.


Joaquin was born April 20, 1996 at 12:16 am. A new picture of Joaquin are here along with some links to his cyber-buddies of the April96 list.

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Selina | Shellane | Joaquin | Alfredo

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