Welsh/Walsh/Welch & Rice

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William Welsh born about 1778 at Hackets Town, Wicklow, Ireland. He arrived 6 Jul 1802 per Atlas - sentence Life.

Eleanor Rice was tried 20 Apr 1814 at Middlesex, "...convicted of breaking, entering and stealing.Rice pleaded ; ’I was in distress.... my husband had left me’. She arrived 18 Jun 1815 per Northampton - convict.

23 Jun 1815 Eleanor on list of convicts disembarked from the "Northampton" to be employed at the Factory at Parramatta (Reel 6004; 4/3494 p103)

30 Oct 1815 William & Eleanor married at St John's Parramatta

per 1828 Census Luddenham, Bringelly

Descendant Chart

1. William WELCH (About 1778 - ) & Eleanor RICE (About 1793 - 30 Nov 1875) return to top of page