Mary's Pets

Hi and welcome to my pet page. I have quite a few pets and will be adding more of their pictures when I have a chance. Please visit your local shelter or rescue to pick out a pet. They make the best pets and you can save a life. I firmly believe people should have their pets spayed or neutered to help control the pet population. Thousands of animals are put to death on a monthly basis in South Carolina. OK, now I really want to rant and rave about something. People, pay attention! If you are going to get a bird please do some research on it first! Our latest addition is a cherry headed conure that has been bounced around due to lack of knowledge and care and at one point even ended up in a pawn shop. Birds are a lot of hard work, they need and deserve a lot of love and attention and live very long lives! Elmo will require us to be patient as she is not socialized as she should be. I hate to sound like a broken record but educate yourselves on birds before buying one!

Well I debated on getting more ducks after losing Mallory and Peekaboo. At first I was just too heartbroken to think of it. Then I thought, ducks are a part of who I am. I searched online and found A Waterfowl rescue and said to myself what A great way to do something in loving memory of my ducks, I will adopt ducks who need A loving home. I adopted three ducks and maybe a fourth soon. I would like to point a few things out. With Easter coming I know a lot of people think of getting baby ducks. Please, and I am begging as I have seen what happens to the ducks from Easter, please reconsider and get your kids a stuffed animal instead. Baby ducks are a lot of work and then they turn into adult ducks. You can't just drop them at a park or pond when they are older as they don't have the survival skills needed. They are used to being fed and most will starve to death.

Ok, first we have Jekyll our African Grey. We have had him since he was 8 months old, birthdate of 8/10/02. Next is Pretty Boy and Oscar our Cockateils. We adopted both of these at the age of around six. Pretty boy was our first bird, birthdate of 10/11/97 and Oscar's birthdate is 1/1/94. Another picture of Jekyll. Next is Nikita our Caique, we have had her since she was five years old, birthdate of 4/1/97. Also is a picture of Nikita on top of our dog Star. Elmo is our newest bird and is a Cherry headed conure, we have no idea on the age as she has been passed around and around. We got Elmo in January 2007. We added another bird shortly after Elmo, his name is Jo and he is a Blue and Gold Macaw. Jo we also rescued, we had intentions of finding him a good home and we did. Jo is a member of our family and he was five when we got him. We have a Chow/Husky mix named Star with a birthdate of 12/7/2000. Star came from a rescue and I couldn't ask for a better dog. Gizmo the fat cat. It is my daughters cat but I'm sure he will never leave, he has a birth year of 2001( I don't know the exact date). Next are the newest members of the family. From left to right Harriet, Rosie & Ozzie. Ozzie is the biggest one with the curly tail. Rosie has a little tuft of feathers on top of her head. Harriet struck a pose for one of the pictures. They are all under a year old as of 3/6/07 and I will probably figure out a birthday for them all.

Rest In Peace

Here we have our beloved dogs Kilo and Sampson (from left to right). We got Kilo from the local humane society in Connecticut and Sampson came to us via being dropped off in our driveway as a puppy. I simply can't stress enough why people should really think before getting a pet. They are a lot of work, need and deserve love, attention and care. They are not to be tossed out like garbage because you didn't realize those things. Kilo lived to the age of 12 happily with us, Sampson to the age of 13 with my father-in-law (we couldn't keep him due to lack of space, but we at least did the right thing and found him a good home).No, I do not belong to some animal rights group, I'm just a responsible pet owner who loves animals. Thanks for visiting my page and putting up with my rantings.

I'm sad to say that my duck Sophie has passed on. In loving memory of one of my favorite ducks 1/14/98-9/7/06

I lost my first and favorite duck Daisy. I can't even begin to express how sad this has made me. In loving memory of my baby Daisy 1/24/97-9/1/08

I am devasted by the loss of my remaining two ducks Mallory and Peekaboo. I will never forget the "boys", they stayed even after the females passed. I raised both of them from chicks. Heartbroken doesn't even begin to describe it.
In loving memory of Mallory 2/24/97-2/4/09

In loving memory of Peekaboo 3/17/05-2/4/09

I wanted to add a couple of pictures of the ducks together. The first one is of all four in 2006 just before Sophie died. The second one is with Daisy, Mallory and Peekaboo in June 2008

Here are pictures of their memorial garden, a memorial box I did and thier homes they lived in.

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