Mo/Kan has placed more than 50 boxers in 2000 through our foster
program and owner-surrenders. Here is a partial list of those that are no longer 'homeless' due to the on-going efforts by those involved:
**Tess-2yo fawnF.Lawrence,KS O/S;**Indy-3yo fawn F.Independence,MO AC;**Candy-10yo fawn F.Wichita, KS OS;**Booker-11mo brindle M. Odessa, MO OS;**Megan-fawn F. Hutchinson, KS OS-referral;**Tanner-10mo fawnM.Wichita, KS OS;**Mickey-3 mo fawnM.Lenexa, KS OS;**Hooch-fawnF.Nebraska OS-referral;**Tippy & Bruno-Newton, KS OS-referral;**Jack-2yo brindleM.Topeka, KS OS;**Cody-9mo fawnM.Garden City,KS AC;**Tyson-Platte City, MO AC-referral;**Casey-2yo fawnF.Derby,KS OS;**Sarah-2yo fawnF.Independence,MO OS;**Brutus-2yo brindleM.Platte Woods AC;**Milo-Bentonville Ark AC-referral;**Shelby-3mo fawnF.Camdenton,MO breeder surrender;**Lexie-1yo fawnF.Blue Springs, MO OS;**Gertie-1yo whiteF.Overland Park, KS OS;**Hutch-2yo fawnM.Hutchinson,KS AC;**Walter-10 yo fawnM.Olathe, KS AC;**Jake-4yo fawnM.Helping Hands Humane,Topeka;**Benjamin-18mo fawnM.Kansas City KS AC;**Sandy-5yo fawnF.Belton, MO OS;**Sadie-2yo fawnF.Independence,MO OS;**Dax-4yo fawnM.Wichita,KS AC;**Molly-10mo brindleF.Wichita,KS OS;**Riggs-18mo fawnM. Wichita,KS OS;**Boomer-3yo whiteM.Independence,MO OS;**Lucy-4yo brindleF.Chanute,KS OS;**Linus-10mo fawnM.Chanute,KS OS;**Tyson-1yo whiteM.Odessa,MO AC;**Hynrich-18mo fawnM.Helping Hands Humane;**Tess-2yo brindleF.Wichita AC;**Mattie-7yo fawnF.Wichita AC;**Joe-2yo fawnM.Independence,MO OS;**Sassie-15mo fawnF.Osawatomie KS OS;**Nike-2yo fawnM.Lawrence KS AC;**Sophie-8yo fawnF.Topeka, KS OS;Ginger-3yo brindleF.Emporia,KS OS
Mo/Kan would like to thank the following individuals and business for helping us this year.
Highland Park Animal Hospital, Topeka, KS
Marks Veterinarian Hospital, Lawrence, KS
Cavanaugh Pet Hospital, Indpendence, MO
Blue Stem Animal Clinic, ElDorado, KS
Honey Creek Veterinary Clinic, Trenton, MO
Skaer Veterinary Hospital, Wichita, KS
Veterinary Specialists, Topeka & OP, KS
HollyLane Kennels, Topeka KS
Hallmark Kennels, Wichita, KS
And our wonderful foster homes (Dave Slayton, Mary Butterbrodt, Cris Thomas, Jill Smith, Vickie Pence-Miller, Amy Hall, Maureen Higley, Nicas Family, Votaw Family) and our wonderful 'new' adopting family members.
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