Here's some photos of the Nor'West portion of Ramea.
 | Muddy Harbour, taken near the intersection of Muddy Hole and Valley Roads. |
Muddy Harbour with Ramea Harbour in the background, between Harbour Island and Southwest Island. |  |
 | Looking up to the end of Muddy Hole Road at "Northcott Central". with Northwest Point beyond. |
Looking across to Burgeo over the end of Ramea's watershed taken from the Northwest end of the walking trail. |  |
 | A look down Northeast Point at "Art's lookoff" (left), from the Nor'west walking trail. |
Stephen Crant on Muddy Hole Road, with Muddy Harbour and Northwest Point in the background. |  |
Want some "Scenic" Pics.. go HERE.
See the "Tragedys of Ramea".. go HERE.
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© Sept. 1997 by Bill Crant.