The CPD home page is a place for the officers to come, get their equipment, and pick up their assignments. Every CPD officer is expected to sign for thier equipment. The badges, guns, tracking devices, and all the other special things have been placed on this page, so take what you need to do your job. The Investi-caters will also be using CPD equipment if they need it.
For our officers in the field, we have a wide variety of necessary equipment. There should be something here to suit every cat's needs.
Please take your badge from the one above. There are many badges behind those on top, so there will always be a badge available for any cat who needs one.
We have several guns to choose from:
The Winchester Lever action
This rifle is standard issue for all cats in CPD. Please be sure to get a box of shells also.
The Berreta Tomcat
The Berreta Tomcat pistol comes with a box of S/D (Science Diet) shells. This is a powerful
pistol, and should be used with care.
The Intratec
The Intratec Cat9 pistol is lighter in wieght than the Tomcat, and can be used easily by the CPD officers.
It is easily concealed and the shells disperse on cantact with the end of the barrel, spraying used kitty litter
for a distance of 10 - 15 feet. This is a close range weapon.
Essential Equipment
There is alot of other, essential equipment for today's CPD officers. Please get what you need from below:
Handcuffs are needed to hold hoomins in place. Hoomins are wiley animals and will
try to run if they think they are in danger, or could be
arrested. Secure the
to a sturdy pole after you have placed on cuff on the hoomin under arrest.
The baton is
sometimes needed to get the attention of unruly or
hoomins. Rap them sharply in the shins or on their toes.
Surveillance Equipment
Today's CPD officers need the highest grade of surveillance and monitoring equipment. Please, choose from below:
Radio Trackers
This is the best Radio Tracker in the market today. It
has the ability to
toona and sammun and other treats within a fifteen block radius. When the
"Bad Hoomin" dial is set, it can find hoomins breaking cat laws within a hundred
mile radius.
Along with the Tracker device, you will also need the
Radio Tracker Antenna.
Folds to a small, compact size, for ease in carrying. A vinyl carry case is also available.
This anntena will extend the range of the Radio Tracker to ten miles for treats and
five hundred miles when the Radio Tracker is in "Bad Hoomin" mode.
The CPD is the proud owner of several motorcyles, a tank, and a police helicopter. These can be used by the CPD for any need.
Job Line
The CPD is always looking for a few good cats to help fill the ranks and stamp out crime in our great nation. If you think you have what it takes to become a Catmerica PoliceCat, please email the Job Line and let us have your information. You should recieve an answer within 24 - 48 hours after your request. Fangu.
Please be sure to add in the subject line that you are applying for a CPD position.
Click heer to see thuh Current CPD officer roster.
There haf been several promotions.
Please add a black ribbon to your badge in memory of thuh fine cats who have gone to thuh Rainbow Bridge.
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Copyright © 1997 Patches and Britches
This Home Page was created by WebEdit,Tuesday,
February 18, 1997
Most recent revision Tuesday, September 13, 1998