The magic of
I recently found this
web page that I wanted to share with you, but the poem needed to be personalized.
Magic of Christmas is so many things . . .
- Decorations, Music, Smells . . .
We have very little trouble realizing that Christmas is near when we see red
and green decorations with evergreen branches, and holly. "Christmas" music, and
the promise of gifts. The smells from the kitchen of spicy cookies, and breads. Even if we
don't have snow, it somehow fits into the ambiance of the season.
Magic of Christmas is so many things . . .
- The Story of the Nativity . . .
Many, and I certainly am included, object wholeheartedly to taking the
"CHRIST" out of Christmas! Although there are numerous different versions of a
manger scene, all bring to mind a precious child that embodied the son of GOD! Do you
think as I do that those that object to reminders of this special meaning to our
traditional holidays really DO think there is something truly powerful about God, and his
presence in our lives? Have you ever seen Santa or Rudolf considered threatening??
The Magic of Christmas is so many things . . .
The message of "Good will to Mankind". . .
In this year when we are all so grieved by the adversity in our world that has people
homeless, and others separated from family, in the horrors of war, it seems so important
that we realize how significant the Message of Christmas IS. I have been musing about the
words of Christ in Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see
that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
(KJV) . . This speaks to me of being prepared.
The Magic of Christmas is so many things . . .
The urgency of being prepared . .
I seldom get ready for Christmas, I am much more of a "Martha" than a
"Mary" (Luke 10:41-42) but the prayer of my heart is that I will be ready at the
time the Lord comes, and that all of my family and loved ones will be too.
The magic of
Christmas is so many things...
A candlelit church and a choir that sings,
The being together with people we love,
Belief that the Christmas Star still shines above;
The caring and giving and goodwill towards men,
The Christ Child reborn in our hearts once again,
Contentment and peace and a faith strong within,
A spirit of love that makes all the world kin.

The magic of Christmas is all this and more,
May your day be merry with much joy in store
And may the bright memories and glow ne'er depart...
The magic of Christmas live on in your heart!
Author Unknown