Prayer on the Web


Do you believe in the Power of Prayer?  If so you are at the right place.  I f not then
we hope to change your thinking.
There are two sections to this page.  The first is for those wishing to make a  prayer requests .
The second has to do with becoming a  partner of this prayer group.
Now we at Prayer Power Partners have our own WebRing and this is the home of it! Feel free to become part of it!

Prayer Requests
If you have a Prayer request you can make it  here .  You may make it on behalf
of yourself or someone you know.  Once the request is made it will be sent out to
the partners of this prayer group.  Posts of answered prayer may also be made
 here .  They are always nice to receive and will be sent out to the partners.
If you would like to become a partner you may do so  here .  The more partners
we have the more prayer there will be.  Can there ever be enough prayer?
I don't think so.
Jeremiah 33:3
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show you great and mighty things,
which thou knowest not.

This Prayer Power site is owned by
Rick's Cyber Spot.

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The Group, Prayer Power Partners, can also be found and joined at Planet All

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Pleae don't forget to this site!

<bgsound="elshaddi.mid" autostart="true" loop="infinite">
Since 23 Dec 97