
Another day God has created.

You are Special Guest # Since 23 Dec 97

Rick's Cyber Spot



The Front Door

Hello and WELCOME to the Cyber Spot.  My name is Rick Johnson and I consider myself to be a Conservative Christian Police Officer.  I'm not too literate when it come to computers but I strive to learn what I can.  I am currently an Officer with the Altoona Police Dept. in Altoona, Pa., and a member of the The First Baptist Church of Altoona.

Whether it be brightness of morning.....

Or darkness of night.....

Psalm 118:24; This is the day the Lord made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
[For another view of this image click HERE]

A couple of LINKS to start with:

My wife, Judy's Page
The University in which my son, Whom I'm very PROUD of, attends
Planet All; Make Contacts and Keep in Contact Here [Free!]
My ICQ Panel; Free Pager Program

Recently I've had to move banners from here to reduce load time, as it was getting rather lengthy. My apologies for this, however, these banners and links can be found HERE. Please take a look as they are deserving. Thank You!

Check Out PlanetAll Here

Thank You 'Candle for this Award, I am honored

Thank You Beth My friend!

ParaChat Powered

Check Out Prayer Power Partners Here

If God in heaven is your Father, then I am your brother and I bid you Welcome!

Rick's Cyber Spot

Email Me Here

Feel free to Page Me by clicking on the flower

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<bgsound="698.mid" autostart="true" loop="infinite"> If you like this song Click Here

As you'll find, I really enjoy clipart and graphics. If there is any graphics on here, which are not permitted, please notify me at once so they can be removed. Thank You.

This site is almost always and was last updated on 01 Apr 98.