My Poetry
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GOD has a bottle of tears.
Actually, this bottle is a vessel of
Unanswered Prayers.
While living in this world of thorns,
Help me to see,
Through glasses of Faith,
The ROSE who died for me!
Though undeserving,
If I persevere,
This bottle of tears,
Will become a crown of JEWELS!
Connie E. Van Amerongen
Saturday, June 7, 2003.
Bottle of Tears in HEAVEN?
How can that be?
We are supposed to be happy there,
Are we not?
No more pain?
Unanswered Prayers?
I thought there was a SAVIOUR,
Who cared enough to die for me?
A SAVIOUR who died for you?
Tell me please,
How can this be?
This Bottle of Tears,
A Vessel of Unaswered Prayers,
Let me say that rather,
This Bottle of Tears,
Is a vessel of ANSWERED PRAYERS,
Yet to be!
I BELIEVE in the ROSE that once was dead,
This ROSE is now living to set truly repentant sinners,
Even I, free!
THIS ROSE came into this world of thorns,
to take all of HIS children to their Eternal REST,
To HEAVEN, where we, HIS children will find out
At last,
That our HEAVENLY FATHER cared enough to send us
Connie E Van Amerongen
Sunday, June 22, 2003.
Two friends of mine:
One of them named: Tammy,
The other one: Kelly.
These friends of mine,
Both like me had Cerebral Palsy,
Or C.P. though in varying degrees.
I loved reading books to them,
It was an absolute pleasure!
I loved seeing their smiles!
Sometimes, I read in quiet,
Other times amid a fit of giggles,
Still others, with an enthusiastic "YEAH! YEAH!"
Re-sounding through the room.
Tammy and Kelly;
For an hour or more each week,
Even though, that time is over,
I will never forget it!
Now it is like a precious jewel,
Kept safe, etched always in my memory.
I know that I will see you in HEAVEN some day!
And Kelly too;
I pray that GOD will keep you,
ALWAYS to stay,
Wrapped in HIS loving arms,
You will FOREVER be safe!
Connie E Van Amerongen
Wednesday, September 24, 2003.
God Is
Always There!
God is always there
When I need Him!
I never have a care,
If I but trust Him,
Whether friends,
or loved ones;
move away or die,
If while here on earth
Those dear to me,
Yes! Even I,
No matter where I am;
If we on God alone rely,
We will see each other again by and by.
I dont ever have to be scared
With God beside me, as my Guide!
God is always there when changes arise,
If others cant be with me,
My God will never leave me!
He alone is my SAVIOUR,
When changes in my life arise,
These changes;
Many are the times,
That I just dont understand them,
But I know that God will always be there,
No matter what!
God is always holding my hand!
E. Van Amerongen
January 22, 2002
I Can Dance!
By God's Grace alone,
I am walking!
By faith alone,
I can run life's race.
Though for a time,
I will sit in a chair,
I am always amazed
By God's Constant Care!
By placing my life completely
in my Saviour's nail-pierced Hands,
He will cause my feet to dance!
Connie E. Van Amerongen
Thursday, January 18, 2001
True Christmas!
Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas,
He came down from Heaven to save us!
No longer a babe in a lowly manger,
He died on a cross to become our Saviour!
He died, was buried, but He rose again!
Triumphantly, He'll return as King!
Connie E. Van Amerongen.
Saturday, February 5, 2000
Gods Hands!
I am safe in Gods Hands!
He handles me with Great Care!
It shows in the provisions that
He sends daily my way!
A helping hand, my daily bread,
My Heavenly Father cares for me!
Theres no mistake!
I am safe in Gods Hands!
Im a sinner saved by Grace!
Gods Son paid for my sins
Though He did no wrong,
He died in my place,
His nail-pierced Hands and Feet
are proof of His unfailing Love!
I am safe in Gods Hands!
Yes! its true. He lives again!
If I look to Him for Constant Guidance
He will surely show me the Way!
If I do His Will alone, not mine,
Though for a time He may send me rain,
In a little while, His sun will shine again!
I am safe in Gods Hands!
When I die, Ill be at Home with Him!
In Heaven Ill be free from sorrow and pain
My God will make things right again!
I have no need to dread, He will do as He said!
Though weeping may endure for a night,
My joy will know no bounds, in that new Morning's Light!
Connie E. Van Amerongen.
Sunday, January 16, 2000.
H is for Happiness!
Happiness is knowing the unfailing love of God!
O is for only One.
There is Only One God - the Only One who truly saves!
P is for Peace.
We can have true peace in knowing that our sins are forgiven!
E is for Eternal Life!
Eternal Life is what God gives to all those who love Him.
God is our one and only HOPE.
If we trust in Him completely, He'll never leave us alone!
Connie E. Van Amerongen - Monday, May 31, 1999.
Miles of Smiles!
Just a five-letter word,
you say?
Not so!
The touch of a gentle hand,
a soft-spoken voice,
a hug from a friend,
is just a S.M.I.L.E. in action
genuine, straight from the heart!
S.M.I.L.E. It's contagious!
Don't leave yours on the shelf,
Don't be so glum or blue,
Share a S.M.I.L.E. with someone,
And soon you'll be smiling too!
Connie E. Van Amerongen - Jan 11,/99.
Tuesday, Nov. 24/98
Im Thankful to GodIm thankful that God
is there when I fall.
Through Grace Alone,
Because of His love,
He is there when I call!
Im thankful to God
for all of His gifts to me!
He knows my daily needs;
Freely He will give!
Friends and family very dear;
Capable hands He sends for my care.
thankful to God
for the Promises He gives!
Though undeserving;
If I obey Him,
If I seek to do His Will;
Forever with my Saviour Ill live!
Saturday, October 3,1998
Little Amanda
Born on Thursday, May 14, 1998,
Little Amanda was not here to stay.
She never saw the light of day;
Her Lord Jesus, Her Heavenly Father,
Took her back into His loving arms that day.
To keep her safe, to hold her near,
He freed her from this world of pain.
We, the loved ones left behind,
Though we don't understand,
Why God took her away so soon,
We believe that Little Amanda was, and is
Part of God's divine Plan!
She is now with those who have gone before,
Among those awaiting her, her big sister, Arielle!
Although her Mommy and Daddy
Never had a chance to see her smile,
Or her brother and sisters here on earth,
Never joined her at play; heard her laugh;
If we, her loved ones left behind, believe,
We will see Little Amanda in Heaven some day!
Written with Love, by her Aunt Connie.
Sunday, May 17, 1998
Amanda is now with her older sister Arielle, who went to be with the Lord
in 1990.
Our Heavenly Father says,
I'll help you, I'll lend a hand;
Trust Me! Don't be afraid;
I will always be there for you,
I know exactly what you need!
Our Heavenly Father says,
I forgive you, I really care for you.
I even died for you:
There's something I want to share with you
If you are truly sorry for your sins;
I'll be your Friend for Life!
Connie E. Van Amerongen
January 19, 1997.
A child's laughter,
a warm embrace,
A friendly smile,
a bird that sings
A beautiful flower;
a gentle breeze
A golden sunrise,
bright blue skies;
Soft falling rain,
A breath of spring;
These things are all
a part of
God's saving grace!
C.E. Van Amerongen
January 19, 1997.
Precious Jewels
Connie E. Van Amerongen- Monday, March 2, 1998
A Better Way
When God doesn't answer our
prayers the way we want
Him to;
It's not because He doesn't
God cares more for us, than we
He answers our prayers
His way,
Because if we wait, and are patient,
If we believe in Him; we will soon see
that God's Way is a much
Better Way!
Connie E. Van Amerongen - Tuesday, December 16, 1997.
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The Four Seasons
Winter brings the ice and snow; very cold winds;
Covering the ground in a blanket of white.
Spring brings gentle rain, beautiful flowers;
Warmer breezes, green grass, birds that sing.
In summer, the weather becomes very hot;
Bringing bright sunshine by day,
dark thunderstorms by night.
In fall, the weather turns cool, skies turn from blue to grey;
Leaves fall from trees, creating a rainbow of reds,
browns, orange and gold.
Seasons change; they come and go,
but the God who created them, will never change.
He will never leave his children.
He will always stay the same!
Connie E. Van Amerongen - Monday, October 20, 1997.
by Connie E. Van Amerongen
But rather spiritual beings.
Dont know much about them,
Good angels live in HEAVEN with GOD;
Seraphim and Cherubim, HIS messengers;
Evil angels live in hell.
I believe, most undeseredly,
Probably more than one angel in HEAVEN,
Watching, protecting,
Through the tough times,
Also rejoicing in good times.
Only through the mercy of a loving,
Forgiving GOD,
Angels ALWAYS are
Watching over me,
Protecting me.
Rainbows are incredibly beautiful - Very bright and colourful;
A rainbow comes into the sky when sunshine is shining brightly - also when raining at the same time. As red as the roses in a flower garden On a spring day in May.
Orange as the fruit of the same name - that is really
juicy and sweet.
And the colour yellow; As yellow as the
sunshine shining glorious- ly on a warm summers morn.
Also as green as fresh new grass after the rain,
And as blue as the sky on a cold winters day,
As purple as violets or pansies planted
in fall. Yes! Rainbows are incredibly
Also very bright and colourful!
I didnt know there was so much involved in writing poetry! I thoroughly enjoyed taking this course!!
Connie E. Van Amerongen.
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