My Birthday Page

Thanks for visiting me! On this page, I've placed some of my Birthday presents that I've received from friends over the last couple of years.  Some of  the things on this page, I've placed here just because I liked them.  I hope that you will enjoy your stay.  For those of you who don't know it, my Birthday is on the 12th of February. ;-) 

balloonline.gif (10023 bytes)

szbirthdaybanner.bmp (239286 bytes)

partyhat2.gif (5167 bytes)

balnbear.gif (8868 bytes)

bbunemb4-birth.jpg (17783 bytes)

bday.gif (13295 bytes)


Bday.jpg (21171 bytes)

bunchcp.gif (45551 bytes)

bdayclub2.gif (33465 bytes)

birth.jpg (16165 bytes)

birthday.gif (20609 bytes)


Birthdaycard.gif (34534 bytes)

birthdayframe.jpg (17160 bytes)


cakeanimate.gif (60443 bytes)

cakeanimation.gif (16386 bytes)


card2.gif (47062 bytes)

DR_bday1.gif (15292 bytes)


happybirth2u.gif (27394 bytes)

LDee_bdaylog3.gif (22604 bytes)


panda_hug.gif (13506 bytes)

pty-bday-globe.gif (48618 bytes)


ro_bdaylogo.gif (30649 bytes)

smiley_lg_clr.gif (6841 bytes)

balloonline.gif (10023 bytes)

birthday1.gif (23393 bytes)

JDB20112.gif (43090 bytes)

winnie_t.jpg (78432 bytes)

M_M.bmp (141174 bytes)