Calendar of Events

Searsport District Middle School

2008 - 2009

     April 3                         Third Quarter Ends
     April 10                       Report Cards Mailed Home
     April 20-24                 Spring Break - No School
     April 27 - May 8         Bottle Drive for Animal Shelter
     April 28, 29                 7th Grade Fish Trip
     May 15                        7th Grade trip to Cole's Transportation Museum
     May 20                        Early Release Day
     May 25                        Memorial Day - No School
     May 28-29                   Grade 8 trip to Camp Kieve
     June 1                          Moose Point Trip for 5th Grade and some 6th
     June 1 - 12                   Food Drive for Local Community
     June 2 - 4                     NWEA Testing
     June 5                          MOVE-UP DAY
     June 10, 11                  Grade 6 Challeneger Ceneter Trip
     June ??                        Field Day
     June ??                        Middle School Graduation (evening, 8th grade)
     June ??                        6th and 7th Grade Awards


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Updated April 10, 2009.

Visitor number Counter.