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If all goes well, third quarter report cards will be mailed home on Friday, April 10th. If they don't arrive in the mail by the following Friday (which allows for the occassional delay in processing), please contact the Middle School Office.
March 16-20 is March Madness Week at Searsport District Middle School and High School. Students will be taking part in a variety of activities throughout the week, culminating in an afternoon of fun and games on Friday. Monday is Crazy Hat Day. Tuesday is Crazy Shirt Day. Wednesday is Crazy Hair Day. Thursday is Comfy Day. Friday is Blue & White Day. The Nothing but Nets Penny Drive will also conclude on Friday. Friday afternoon will be devoted to various fun and games, including a couple of events which mix the middle school and high school. What a great way to celebrate the first day of Spring!
The long awaited Porgress Reports will be mailed home on Friday, March 6. Apparently, the bugs that had prevented Progress Reports the previous two quarters from ever being sent home have been corrected in the office. Parents should look for Progress Reports in the mail shortly after March 6. Please contact the office if you don't receive yours.
The SDMS Boys Basketball team lost the championship game to a tough Woolwich team on February 11, finishing the season with an impressive second place finish. Both teams went into the game with identical 10-1 records, each losing only to each other. The Searsport boys left the court afterf the loss to a standing ovation by their fans. The SDMS girls also finished the season strong, winning their quarter-final game, although losing the semi-final game. Both boys and girls teams will be having their winter sports awards night coming up soon.
The 2008 Winter Wonderland Door Decorating Winners were announced this week. For funniest, Mrs. Wakeman's home base won. Best story was Mr. Merrill's. Most creative was Mrs. Blanchard's home base. The winning doors can be seen below, and to see many of the other doors, click here. Some of the doors remain up following the Christmas break, although others were mysteriously removed.
The Middle School is sticking with quarters for the 2008-2009 school year, despite rumors of switching to trimesters. Trimesters are likely to be used in the 2009-2010 school year, but, for now, quarters it is. Grades for Progress Reports close on December 12 and they should be mailed home on the 19th. The problems that plagued grade reporting during the first quarter progress reports have apparently been worked out. So expect Progress Reports in time for Christmas.
The first half of the annual Grade 8 Camp Kieve Experience will happen on Thursday, November 6th and Friday, November 7th. The Leadership School, through Camp Kieve, has become an annual tradition for Eighth Graders at SDMS. Through a visit in the fall by Kieve Staff and a two-day, overnight visit by SDSM 8th graders to Camp Kieve in the spring, students learn valuable lessons in leadership, healthy risk taking and challenging oneself. Kieve is always one of the biggest highlights of students' middle school experience. This year, Kieve staff will be bringing a climbing wall which will be set up in the Middle School parking lot. After safety training on the first day, students will get to challenge themselves by choice on day 2 by climbing the wall. Challenge by Choice is one of the mottos of Camp Kieve.
Above, unidentified student climbing Camp Kieve Wall.
The Winter Wonderland Door Decorating Contest is over and here are the winners. In the category of best homeroom door, the winner was Mrs. Blanchard's room (below left). The winner of the non-homeroom door was Mr. Cooper and Ms. Flannery's room (below right). Congratulations to all the rooms and all the students who helped with the decorating.
Click here for the first page of door decorations and click here for the rest of the doors.
Box tops are the little 10 cent coupon on certain products. All you have to do is cut them off and send them in with your child. The school collects money for the box tops, which goes toward extra classroom supplies and playground equipment.
We are collecting ink cartridges. Any used ink cartridges from you computer could have value. All you have to do is throw them in a baggy and send them to school with your child, instead of throwing them in the trash (the catrridges, not your children). All the money will go toward extra supplies for the classroom and playground equipment, plus you will be recycling the catridges!
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This page was last updated on May 3, 2009.
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