I am very glad you have stopped in. I would like to take a few moments to try and explain what a Promise Keeper is, and what the Promise Keepers orginazation is all about.
First let me say that being a Promise Keeper has changed me for the better. I am now a better Husband and Father. And all of my relationships outside of my family have improved also. I also know that being a Promise Keeper has changed many others in a similar way!
If you are already a Promise Keeper, Please help me out and let me know what you think of this page. Also, if you have a page that refers to Promise Keepers, let me know so I can Link your page to this one. I know that I cannot say enough about this wonderful movement.
A Promise Keeper is a man who is willing to embark on a lifelong process of becoming a "committed" Promise Keeper. By accepting this commitment, he is affirming his belief with the Promise Keepers Statement of Faith and with the Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper. Beyond that, he is acknowledging that becoming a committed Promise Keeper is not about membership in an organization, but about making a daily decision to walk out his promises & commitments faithfully through the grace & strength of Jesus Christ in the context of your local church.
Promise Keepers is a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to uniting men through vital relationships to become Godly influences in their world.
Realizing that I could not have put it a better way, this text was compiled from Promise Keepers literature. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, contact your local church for more information about Promise Keepers or visit the official PK site.