l. AIGLER (Egler), Anna Catharine, nee Graze, born January 25, 1714 at Metlingen in Wurtemberg. Died November 15, 1790. Married in 1746 to Simon Aigler. Mother of 4 children. One son and one daughter survived. (LXXX)*
2. AIGLER, Simon, born April 1, 1717 at Stauheim, Wurtemberg. Lutheran. Died of wasting fever April 6, 1788. Married Anna Catharine Graze, (see above) . (LXXVII) *
3. BOECKEL (Bickel), Anton, born Feb. 11, 1788. Died of dysentery Sept. 24, 1791. Son of Anthony Bickel. (LXXXVII) *
4. BOECKEL, Anton (II), born Sept. 2, 1793, died Feb. 20, 1794. Second son of Anthony Bickel. (XCIII) *
5. BOECKEL, Christina, nee Kuster, born May 6, 1714 in Unstein, the daughter of Jacob Kuster and Elizabeth (nee Dilcklein). She came to America with her hus- band Tobias Bickel. Late in December, 1742 she heard the great Moravian, Count Nicholaus von Zinzendorf preach and was converted to his teachings. Died January 31, 1775. Motber of 15 children, 8 surviving, 5 in Heidelberg and three in North Carolina. (LX)*
6. BOECKEL, Christina (See Lydia Born)
7. BOECKEL, Daniel, infant son of Tobias and Christina Bickel. Died Feb. 1, 1748 aged three weeks. (IV)
8. BOECKEL, Elizabeth, nee Feiser, born November 23, 1755 near York, Pa. Daughter of Peter Feiser and his wife Elizabeth. She was married August 15, 1786 to John Tobias Bickel, (12) a widower in Heidelberg. (C) *
9. BOECKEL, Frederick, born July 30, 1791, died Feb. 1, 1793. Son of Anton Bickel. Grave has a tombstone but no record in Moravian Archives.
10. BOECKEL, Isaac, infant son of Frederick and Magdalene Bickel, born June 17, 1817, died October 20, 1817. Ibid Supra.
11. BOECKEL, John, born March 13, 1783; died of dysencery Sept. 9, 1791. Son of Anton Bickel. (LXXXVI) *
12. BOECKEL, John Tobias, born Dec. 16, 1754, son of Tobias Bickel and Christina his wife. Twice married. First to Salome Glatt on Feb. 13, 1776 in Heidelberg and second to Elizabeth Feiser, q. v. (8). Children by the first wife: 1. Christina (6), married to Jacob Born, a carpenter in Graceham, Maryland. 2. Anna Elizabeth, married to Jacob Romig, a saddler in Muskingum. 3. John Tobias, who married Anna Spinner. 4. John Frederick, who married Magdalena Meyer. Children by the second wife: 1. Anna Maria, who married Lorenz Sallade, Womelsdorf. 2. Magdalena, married to Philip Miesse in Bethel. 3. John, married Maria Reber, Berks county.
John Tobias Bickel (I) died Dec. 26, 1814. (CI) *
13. BOECKEL, Philip Jacob, infant son of Tobias and Christina Bickel. Died Feb. 6, 1749. (VII)
14. BOECKEL, Salome, nee Glatt (see 12). Born May 10, 1754 in Heidelberg. Died and buried on Good Friday, April 12, 1786. (LXXV) *
15. BOECKEL, Tobias, born in the Palatinate, Nov. 13, 1711. Died Sept. 29, 1791. Was married twice. First wife Christina Kuster (5). Second wife Maria Elizabeth, nee Dock, widow of Nicholas Glatt. Father of 15 children, all born to his first wife. (LXXXVIII)
16. BORN, Lydia, born March 21, 1808. Died in an accident by drowning in the mill race of John Bickel in Bern township Sept. 5, 1814. Daughter of Jacob Born and Christina (12-1). (XCIX)
17. BRECHT, Elizabeth, widow of Stephen Brecht (18). Maiden name not known. Died in 1751, age not given. (XVI)
18. BRECHT, Stephen, born Feb. 17, 1692; died Sept. 24, 1747. (II) *
19. BRENDEL, Christian, born Dec. 25, 1753; died May 15, 1860; son of George and Eva Catharine Brendel. (XXXI)
20. BRENDEL, Philip, born Oct. 22, 1755; died May 23, 176O. (XXXII) Ibid supra.
21. BRENDEL, Jacob, born Sept. 5, 1760; died March 23, 1762 (XXXIII) Ibid.
22. CONRAD, Adam. Infant, died March 1, 1822. Grave has tombstone but there is no record in Moravian Archives.
23. CONRAD, Anna Maria (nee Seitzinger), born in 1754; died Nov. 1, 1817. Married to Joseph Conrad in 1870. Ibid supra.
24. CONRAD, Anna Maria. Infant; died Oct. 22, 1792, shortly after being baptized. (XCII)
The Following Died as Infants, The Children of Jacob and Maria Conrad.
25. CONRAD, Elizabeth, 1755. (XX)
26. CONRAD, Elizabeth (II), 1767 (XLVIII) *
27. CONRAD, Frederick, 1761 (XXXV) *
28. CONRAD, Frederick (II), 1764 (LXII)
29. CONRAD, Gottfried, born 1766; died 1774. (LIV) *
30. CONRAD, John Henry, 1754. (XVIII)
31. CONRAD, John Henry (II), 1757. (XXI)
32. CONRAD, Maria (1749-1751). (XI)
33. CONRAD, Elizabeth, born Sept. 4, 1780. Died March 12, 1781. Daughter of John and Catherina Conrad. (LXXIII) *
34. CONRAD, Joseph, born July 11, 1800; died July 28, 1803. The son of Joseph and Anna Maria Conrad. (XCVI) * 35. CONRAD, Joseph, born Jan. 6, 1759; died Oct. 4, 1822. He was the one surviving son of the oft bereaved parents, Jacob and Maria Catherina Conrad (25-32). In 1780 he was married to Anna Maria Zeitzinger (23). The couple had 3 sons and six daughters. (CII) *
36. FILBERT, Anna Maria, (nee Knauss). Born April 26, 1747; died Sept. 9, 1828.
37. FISCHER, Anna Maria, wife of John Fischer, Jr. Died in 1749. (VI)
38. FISCHER, Anna Sibilla, nee Haag, born Jan. 7, 1700, in Kreuzenach, Germany. In 1738 she was married to John Fischer, a widower in Hanau, Germany. Soon thereafter she and her husband came to America and settled in the vicinity of the church in Heidelberg. She was present at the dedication of the original church in 1745. Died at the home of her son-in- law, Jacob Schmidt, Dec. 16, 1780. (LXXII) *
39. FISCHER, John, born Dec. 31, 1693 in Eckhartshausen, Germany. Came to America in 1739 with his wife, Anna Sibilla (38). In 1742 he heard the preachings of Zinzendorf and became one of the followers of the Moravian faith. He was one of the organizers of the congragation in 1744. He died, July 22, 1759. (XXVI)
40. FLIERY, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth Wagner.
41. FREY -; infant son of Valentine and Barbara Frey. Died Aug. 28, 1762. (XXXIX)
42. FREY, Anna Barbara. See Anna Barbara Lauer.
43. GERHARD, Anton. Infant son of Frederick and Barbara Gerhard. Died Nov. 26, 1754. (XIX)
44. GERHARD, Barbara, nee Rieger, born April 5, 1719. Married in America to Frederick Gerhard, Feb. 14, 1740. Mother of 5 sons and four daughters. She had 47 grandchildren of whom 36 survived her, as well as three great-children born during her lifetime. (XCV)
45. GERHARDT, Frederick, born in Wetterau, Germany, 1717. Twice married. First wife not known. Second wife Barbara Rieger (44). One son, named Peter, was born to his first wife. He too was influenced by the missionary work of Count Zinzendorf and he became one of the founders of the Heidelberg congregation. A monument in the form of a shaft is erected in the burial grounds of the North Heidelberg Church, even though it was the Moravian custom to place tombstones flatly on the ground. This monument was placed there by his descendants. The original tombstone recorded his date of birth as 1714 but the memorial shaft and the Moravian Burial Register agree that it was 1715. He died Nov. 30, 1779. (LXXI) *
46. GLATT (Glad), Anna Maria, nee Fischer; daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Fischer. She died in 1748; her birth date not given but the records state that she served the congregation faithfully. (V)
47. GLATT, Anton. Infant son of Nicholas and Maria Elizabeth Glatt. Died October 3, 1762. (XL)
48. GLATT, John, born July 21, 1757, the son of Nicholas and Maria Elizabeth Glatt. In 1777 he joined the Continental Army of the Revolutionary War and died as a result of illness contracted while in military service. His parents sent another son, Jacob, and a daughter, Magdalene, to bring their brother home from camp. He died in September, 1777. (LXV) *
49. GLATT, Nicholas, (II). infant son of Nicholas and Maria Elizabeth Glatt, died Dec. 21, 1759. (XXIX)
50. GLATT, Nicholas, born at Waltersbach in Lower Alsace, Europe, Nov. 13, 1713. His first wife was Anna Maria Fischer (46). He married her at Conestoga, Pennsylvania. One son and two daughters were born to this union. In 1749 he was married a second time, this time to Maria Elizabeth Dock (see 15). His second wife bore him five sons and four daughters. In April, 1745 he joined the Heidelberg congregation. He died April 2, 1779. (LXIX) *
51. GLATT, Philip; infant son of Nicholas and Maria Elizabeth Glatt. Died October 11, 1752. (XIII)
52. GRETER (Kreider) Abraham, born -, 1745; the son of Jacob Greter. Died May 17, 1758. (XXV) *
53. GRETER, Catharine Barbara (a lovable child). Born April 15,1762; died Feb. 26, 1766. Daughter of Jacob and Maria Catharine Greter. (XLV) *
54. GRETER, Barbara, born in 1702. Place not known. First married to Jacob Hert. In 1738 she married Jacob Greter. She became an active member of the congregation in 1745. (XXIII) *
55. HERZ, Maria Catharine; infant daughter of David and Christina Herz. Died Sept. 19,1774. (LVIII) *
56. KELLER, Barbara. The first burial in the Heidelberg cemetery. She was the first wife of John Keller (59). Died Feb. 6, 1745. (I)
57. KELLER, Eva Elizabeth, nee Hauz, born March 29, 1723 in Hasslach, Germany. She came to this country unmarried. In October, 1745 she became the second wife of the widower, John Keller (59). She joined the Heidelberg congregation in 1746 but attended services at irregular intervals. After the death of her husband she resided with her step-son John Keller, the second. Died April 27. 1777, surviving her husband ten years. (LXIII)
58. KELLER, Frederick, infant son of John and Anna Maria Keller. Died June 29, 1774. (LVII) .
59. KELLER John, born Jan. 1, 1711 in Zweibrucken, the Palatinate. Twice married. First wife. Barbara - (56); second wife, Eva Elizabeth Hauz (57). He was one of the organizers of the first congregation. Died Jan.14,1767. (XLVII).
60. KELLER - Triplets born to John and Anna
61. Maria Keller. All died within a few days
62. after their birth. They were named Maria (LXVII), Salome (LXVIII) and Tobias (LXV). They were born on October 25, 1777. Salome was the last one to die, four days later. There are no tombstones.
63. KELlER, -, an infant son of John and Anna Maria Keller. Died 1766 (XLVI)
64. KELLER. Twin daughters of John and Maria Keller. Both died at birth and were buried August 12, 1770. (LIV)
65. KELLER, -, infant daughter of John and Maria Keller. Died October 12, 1772. (LVI)
66. KELLER, -, infant son of John and Maria Keller. Died Feb. 7, 1776. (LXII)
67. KOCH, Anna Maria. Maiden name not known. She came to America as a widow in 1746. Her husband in the old world had been Caspar Koch. There she bore him 6 children. Three daughters survived her when she died March 4, 1762, aged 72 years. She was one of the oldest members of the congregation at the time of her death. We are led to believe that she was a sister of Frederick Gerhardt (45) because both were born in Isenberg, Germany. (XXXVI)
68. LAUER (Lower), Anna Barbara. nee Frey; born Sept. 27, 1723 in Alsace, Europe. In 1741 she was married to Michael Lauer (69). They had 12 children. In 1748 they moved to Heidelberg and became members of the congregation. (LI)
69. LAUER, Michael, born in 1715 in Hirschstadt, Zweibrucken, the Palatinate. Came to America on the Ship Samuel, August 20, l737. Married to Barbara Frey (68). Died April 16, 1789. (LXXVIII)
70. MEYER, Anna Maria. daughter of John Tobias Meyer. Born Nov. 3, 1776. Died "of a high fever" August 26, 1791. (LXXXIV)
71. MEYER, Catharine, daughter of John Philip Meyer. Born Oct. 7, 1779; died "of a high fever," Sept. 4, 1791. (LXXXV) *
72. MEYER. Elizabeth, daughter of John Philip Meyer. Born March 23, 1774; died "of high fever," July 27, 1791. (LXXXI) *
73. MEYER, John. son of John Tobias Meyer. Born Aug. 18, 1768; died "of a high fever," Aug. 24, 1791. (LXXXIII) *
74. MEYER, John, born June 29. 1715 in Durkheim, the Palatinate. Married in 1737 to Maria Margaret Bickel (77). Four sons and 3 daughters were born to the union, Died Feb. 17, 1792. (XCI) *
75. MEYER, John Philip, son of John Phiiip Meyer. Born Oct. 19, 1777; died "of a high fever," Aug. 19. 1791.
76. MEYER, John Tobias. Born in Bern township, Oct. 2, 1740. In 1765, he married Anna Maria Knauss of Emaus. It is believed that his widow later married a man named Filbert (36). He died "of a high fever," Oct. 9, 1791. (LXXXIX) *
77. MEYER, Maria Margaret, nee Boeckel. Born Dec. 25, 1714 in Carlstadt in the Hardt district, Palatinate. Married John Meyer in May, 1737. She died Dec. 13, 1791. All of the burials of members of the Meyer family, 8 in number, took place during the eight months between July, 1791 and February, 1792. (XC) *
78. MOLL, Christina. Born in Oley, Berks County, May 12, 1750. She was Jacob Greter's step-daughter. Died June 6, 1764. (XLI)*
79. MULLER, Abraham (II), twin son of Jacob and Elizabeth Miller. Born Oct. 6, 1758; died Sept. 11, 1759. (XXVIII) *
81. MULLER. Jacob, twin of Abraham above. Died Sept. 8, 1759. (XXVII) *
82. MULLER -, infant son of Joseph and Anna Muller. Born Aug. 7, 1770; died soon after birth. (LIII)
83. MULLER -, infant son of John and Catharine Muller. Died at birth, March 9, 1767. (XLIX) *
84. RIETH (Reed), Anna Maria, nee Schirmer, born Aug. 30, 17l6 in Zweibrucken, the Palatinate. Came to America with her first husband, Merck Stieffen. In 1761 married Caspar Rieth, in Hebron (Lebanon County). Ten children were born to her first husband, none to the second. Died April 5, 1771. (LV)
85. RIETH, Margaret, maiden surname not given, but probably a sister of the above Anna Maria Schirmer. Born Feb. 2, 1709 in the Palatinate. In 1728 she became the first wife of Caspar Rieth. Thirteen children were born to this union; nine survived their mother who died Oct. 7, 1760. (XXXIV) *
86. ROMIG, John Martin, born Feb. 23, 1719 at Itlingen, Germany. He
was married to Elizabeth Dick (88). While he and his family lived in Allemangel
(Albany), Lynn township, Berks++ county, he became converted to the Moravian
faith. Later he moved to Macungie and from there to Heidelberg. He died
June 20, 1789 (LXXIV) *
++this should be Lynn twp, Lehigh county
87. ROMIG, Susanna, a child of much promise, daughter of Martin and Elizabeth Romig, was born in Lynn township, June 22, 1770; died August 9, 1777. (LXIV)
88. ROMIG, Elizabeth, nee Dick, born in 1723 in the Palatinate. Wife of John Martin Romig (86). Died Oct. 2 1797. The grave has a tombstone but there is no entry in the Moravian records.
89. SCHMIDT. Anna Maria, maiden name not given. Born March 3, 1698, in Upper Alsace, Europe. The wife of Henry Schmidt. Died Oct. 5, 1757. (XXII)
90. SCHMIDT, Catharine, nee Fischer, born in September, 1740 in Heidelberg and soon thereafter baptized by a Lutheran preacher. Married to Jacob Schmid, Sept. 27, 1759. She became a member of the Moravian church in 1761. Died Aug. 17, 1775. (LI) She was probably the daughter of John Fischer (39).
91. SCHMIDT, Henry, infant son of John and Catharine Schmidt. Died Sept. 14, 1787. (LXXVI)
92. SCHMIDT, John George, infant son of Jacob and Anna Maria Schmid. Died Feb. 12, 1785. (LXXIV)
93. SCHMIDT, John Henry, born Dec. 19, 1688 in Alsace, Europe. He came to America in 1737 or 1738 and settled first at Muddy Creek in Lancaster county. In 1748 he moved, with his family, to Heidelberg. He was married twice, surviving both wives. Died Feb. 26, 1765. (XLIII)
94. SCHMIDT -, an infant daughter of Jacob and Catharine Schmid. Died soon after birth, Aug. 6, 1765. (XLIV)
95. SCHNELL, Elizabeth, maiden name not given. She came to Bethlehem in 1741. At the request of her husband, Leonhard Schnell, she was buried in the Moravian Cemetery in Heidelberg. The family had moved from Bethlehem to Heidelberg. Born Dec. 21, 1721; died April 5, 1760. (XXX)
96. SCHWANGER, Philip, infant son of Philip and Anna Maria Schwanger. Died July 26, 1794. (LXIV) *
97. STOR (Stoer), Anna Margaret, a widow, maiden name not given. Born May, 1688; died Dec. 10, 1753. Name of husband not shown. ( XVII )
98. STOHR, Christian. born May 13, 1755. Son of Henry and Barhara Stohr. Died Jan. 19, 1758. (XXIV) *
99. STOHR, Christina, born -, 1750. Infant daughter of Philip and Anna Maria Stohr. Died Oct. 27, 1751. (XIV) *
100. STOHR, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Barbara Stohr. Born Mar. 3, 1749; died Sept. 30, 1751. ( XII )
101. STOHR, Maria, daughter of Philip and Anna Maria Stohr. Born Aug. 22, 1747; died Nov. 11, 1751. (XV) *
102. STURGEON, Elizabeth (or Sturgis), infant daughter of Joseph and Margaret Sturgeon. Died April 18, 1768. (L) *
103. SUSZ (Siess), Juliana, daughter of John George and Maria Catharine Susz. Born Feb. 15. 1756; died Aug. 17, 1762. (XXXVIII)
104. UNGER, Frederick, born in Eichen, Brandenburg, Nov. 10, 1728. A clergyman who served in Europe until 1761 when he came to America. He served the Moravian Church at Bethlehem for a number of years. In 1771 he was married to Anna Rose. While serving a Lancaster church, he received a call to Heidelberg. This was in 1777. Soon thereafter he became ill. He died in Heidelberg, April 9, 1779. (LXX)* (The Moravian Register contains an autobiography of Brother Frederick Unger.)
105. WAGNER, Elizabeth, nee Fliery (or Thiery), was born in Muhlhausen, Switzerland, Oct. 4, 1710. While still in Europe she was married to Anton Wagner, who later became one of the clergymen serving the Heidelberg Congregation. The Moravian Register contains an extended biography of Elizabeth Wagner.It dwells upon the religious difficulties which she and her husband encountered in the Old World and the circumstances which led to their emigration to America in 1743. She died May 8, 1770. (LII) *
106. WEISER. Elizabeth, maiden surname not given. She was born in Neuwild, Ger- many, Dec. 25, 1702 and at the age of six came to America with her parents. In 1721 she married Christoph Weiser. Eleven children were born to this union. She died July 29, 1760. (XXXIII)
107. WEISER, Margaret, daughter of Christoph and Elizabeth Weiser. Born 1749; died -, 1751. (IX)
l08. ZERBE, Christina, infant daughter of John Zerbe. Died Dec. 1, 1747. (III)
109. ZERBE, Elizabeth, wife of John Zerbe. Maiden name not shown. Age not stated. Died Dec. 2, 1749. (VIII)
110. ZUBLER, ---, infant daughter of George Zubler and his wife, Philippina, nee Gruber, both of Maidencreek, Berks County. (XCVIII)
NOTE: Of the 102 burials recorded in the Moravian Burial Register 42 are also found on tombstones. These are indicated throughout this list by an asterisk [*] following the register number. Eight names found on tombstones are not included in the burial records.