What to say about me? Hmmmm. I love my kids & DH very much. Obvious from the pics, huh? *G*
I've been a surrogate mother 3 times...the first was a little boy for...the baby wasn't biologically mine. It was a wonderful experience. Although, if I had known when I had the girls that it would be easier not to take them home...*L*
My second couple was absolutely wonderful & have been blessed to help them have a little girl & a little boy for them!!! (again, not biologically mine) The twins are just the cutest & the parents are over the moon being with them. And, I think, the birth & recovery should win an award! The doctors induced me by breaking my water...with me having no contractions. Well, 1 hr. & 17 mins. later I had the little girl, 4 mins. after that the little boy arrived...Johnny never even made it back to be with me! I was alone & had no drugs, ect. And I've lost 35 lbs. 'recovering'---which is fantastic because I never gained any weight anyway! *L*
My 3rd surrogacy was another set of girl/boy twins (again, not biologially mine). A whopping 30 mins. to give birth! *L* We called them (while I was pregnant)---the little girl (Apples) & the little boy (Bananas)!!!!
Since my grandmother died things have been...alot different. There's seldom a day goes by that I don't think of her, don't reach for the phone to call, to want to share my day with her. :-( My mom & I have been spending alot of time together. I believe the kids have been a blessing for her, it's hard for her to stay down w/the grandbabies wanting her. Unfortunately, Sept., 2001 she had 6 stints put in her heart. :-( If that wasn't bad enough, Dec., 2001 she needed them reopened (this was a total of FIVE heart caths!) & then she had a stroke. She's lost 50% vision in each eye & will never recover. She's managed to break her ankle. Life is rough for her. She's now disabled. However, I'm so grateful to still have her that's all I can think about.
I've started college...actually, I'm in my 3rd semester. I'm an officer in Phi Theta Kappa & Alpha Beta Gamma (both honor societies), in the Honors Program, and am carrying a 4.0 while majoring in Business Management---Accounting. Life is BUSY!!!! *L*

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