Reference Sites
Mark Van Roojen has a very nice page full of information on Ohio benches...planes...and Atkins saws. His ongoing house project is pretty cool too! Irwin Manual is a reference booklet on the care and feeding of Irwin bits. Lots of good knowledge preserved!
Mark Van Roojen has a very nice page full of information on Ohio benches...planes...and Atkins saws. His ongoing house project is pretty cool too!
Ed Bell made a .pdf file of Jay Sutherland's {Stanley plane dating flowchart} and it's now online! Check it out!!
Ralph Brendler's source for Handtool Techniques. Contains info on Scrapers, Handsaws, and the Miller Falls Cigar spokeshave. Ralph also keeps a copy of The Oldtools FAQ at his site. It's a must read!!!!!
Patrick Leach's AWESOME Blood & Gore! If you never look at any other site but this one, you'll be speechless with amazement that any one living human could know so much about handplanes! (Apologies Pat! :)
Randy Roeder has a neato page on nothing but Miller Falls. It contains a brief history of the company, a section on bench planes, one on boring tools and a bibliography.
Stan Faullin is the author of a bitchin' site on Stanley and Sargeant's combination planes and mitreboxes. Stan has done some really good work on this site!
The Museum of Woodworking Tools is a MUST SEE web site. You'll find tons of good information here.
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