lorjanta's Home Page

Lorjanta Boxers

Lorree & Jann Cox

Still under construction

Let me introduce myself, my name is "Thasrite Cover Girl" or Tara as my friends call me. I'm a 2 1/2 year old Boxer and the proud mother of 18 children.

This is my mum Lorree, I will be on here soon when she catches me not looking, I am terriably shy believe it or not!

HA!!! I found a pic of Tara, although she is only 4 months in this photo..she hasn't changed one bit!! :)

And here she is...TARA!! sitting on her best friend "Ashley" our Newfoundland!

The photos below are of my second litter at the tender age of 4 weeks.

Lorjanta is very new but we hope to grow and produce more beautifull babies for show and pet in the near future. Hope you enjoy these photos, I will be adding more a little bit later.

Miss Sharnah at 4 weeks

Miss Sharnah at 3 months at her first show.

Miss Mariah at 4 weeks

Mr Mickey at 4 weeks

Mickey aged 3 mths at his first show.

The escape artist! Mr Hue at 4 weeks

Mr Huey aged 3 months at his fist show getting ready for the ring.

Miss Hope at 4 weeks

Miss Cara at 4 weeks

Poor little Mr. Ziggy at 4 weeks

I will also be adding pictures of my friends from the Acmepet Dog Chat room from time to time!

"Dot"- Australia

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© 1997 lorjanta@effect.net.au

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