... But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world.
To you, I shall be unique in all the world..." Antoine St. Euxpery
We are the parents of four iguanas. They are a bunch of wild and crazy kids. We have had iguanas for about twelve years. When we first got our igs we tried to carefully follow the advice we recieved at the pet shop. We read every book we could find. Each person and book gave different advice about care and feeding. Though we were very careful taking care of our igs they all had MBD. Through the internet we have finally found a good diet for the "kids" and we have found out about proper lighting and care. The diet and care that our igs now get is in the links at the bottom of our page. If you have an iguana, please please go to these links. Our kids have become healthy and happy due to the knowledge that we have gained from them. We know that a page with nothing but links is frowned upon but, we feel that since these link pages have been written by people with better knowledge than we have about iguanas and their care and that you would benefit more by following these links than by trying to use the smaller amount of knowledge that we could try to share with you here. Thank you for visiting our iggy kids.