
Historical, Educational and Miscellaneous Information

on Carthage NY, Jefferson County, Soft Maple

and other various things

of interest to all!

Overlook at Soft Maple

Town of Champion History

Building the Soft Maple Dams; circa 1924

Thunderbay Curly Coats

Friends Move a Tree

The Lost Villages of Fort Drum

New School Construction

teckquest; help for the technology challenged

Carthage Fire of 2002

Planting Hope, Cyberfair 2002 Project

New uses for that Billy Bass

Elementary Building: 2000 - 2001

West Carthage School Fire of 1954 - Our Cyberfair 2000 Project - Silver Medal Winner

Thirty-Two into One; the Schools that Became Carthage Central

Travel Buddy

4th Grade Overview and Assignments

I left this for the great links :-)

Carthage Fire of 1884 - with SU Living Schoolbook

Carthage Fire of 1884 - Cyberfair 99 entry

The Very Excellent Adventures of Chuck and Snuitje

Underground Railroad Research

Tellecollaborative Workshop

Carthage Central District Homepage

4 River Valleys Historical Society

Charles Eberle - Farmer of Jefferson Country - 1821 to 1826


For information on our Wolf Adoption project:

The Great Carthage Fire of 1884

Students look over reports on the fire that destroyed much of their community in 1884.

Information on the Ice Storm of 1998:

Life is what happens when you are waiting for something else!!

Yesterday and tomorrow come together in today.

Links to other sites on the Web

Our Underground Railroad Research
Internet workshop
Yahoo Search Engine
Our Other Pages

Soft Maple, where days are sunfilled,

and the loon fills the night sky with mystery.

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