Family Ancestry of Donna Woodard Gill

I started looking for my ancestors when my son had to do a Family Tree as a school project. I very quickly fell in love with genealogy and have since found all kinds of wonderful information on my ancestry. Please check all my family pages, you might just be a cousin!
I apologize as I haven't been updating my information. I have been spending my time searching the census records trying to gain as much information as possible on the folks in my pages. A nice Genealogy Cousin Libby Klocke sent me some fantastic obituaries on our WOODARD line and soon I will make the time to add all of this information to this page. In the meantime. Look, browse and email me if you have any questions. Have a great day.
A listing of my "Direct Lineage Surnames"
Alkire, Anderson, Barbee, Clayton, Conyers, Davis, Denton, Ellis, Emmons, Fishback, Goodwin, Grimsley, Henderson, Hendrix, Howe, Hunt, Jones, Kerns, Kingcart, Lyman, Marr, McQueen, Miller, Overall, Perkins, Richart, Sparks, Story, Woodard, Wright
Baker, Beal, Bennett, Billings, Bishop, Blickenstaff, Bridgeman, Buffington, Campbell, Clark, Conrey, Constable, Coppock, Cox, Crawford, Crull, Davison, Dean, Ellis, Evans, Fellow, Francis, Gallihan, Grubb, Henderson, Hines, Hinton, Hollcroft, Houseman, Jay, Jenkins, Jones, Keller, Leonard, Lester, Louck, Malin, Martindale, Mattox, McKey, Merrick, Mesherool, Minshall, Morse, Ochs, Patterson, Pearson, Plummer, Pound, Pugh, Radcliffe, Roger, Routt, Royle, Rumnai, Russell, Scofield, Shafford, Short, Speakman, Tucker, Underhill, Vane, Vesta, Vivian, Waite, Waymire, Weed, Whallon, White, Willis, Wright
My Surname Genealogy Pages Link
My Family Photographs, mainly old pictures
Family History Books I Own
Biographies, Certificates, Obits-Etc.
Quaker Record Abbreviations and their Meanings
Thank you for visiting my Genealogy Homepage. I appreciate the visit and I hope you found something of interest to you.
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