Hello once again. This is the trivia page. I thought we'd start with the flag shown above. It's the flag of the commonwealth of Saint Lucia, an East Caribbean Island. I've never been there and probably never will, but it sounds like an interesting place and they have a cool flag.
***added 12/30/1999
A Furby(tm) interactive toy has more computer power in it than an Apollo Luner Lander had in it? The Luner Lander had about the same
amount of computer technology in it as an average electronic wrist watch has in it today. ***added 02/10/2002
And speaking of Apollo...
The Apollo Command/Service Module assembly (the actual "capsule" part that the astronauts lived in) contained 15 miles of electrical wire. That's roughly equivalent to the amount of wiring in 50 two-bedroom homes. ***added 11/29/2000
The single most used industrial chemical in the United States (not including water) is Sulfuric Acid. Sulfuric acid has so many uses in industry that one benchmark that economists use to rank how industrialized a particular nation is their annual consumption of sulfuric acid. ***added 12/01/2001
When the United States Interstate Highway System was mapped out in 1955, then-President Eisenhower directed that at least one mile out of every five was to be a straight line. This was so that in the event of a war, those straight stretches could be converted to emergency aircraft runways!
***added 12/24/2001 CHRISTMAS TRIVIA!
The higest paid, most photographed model in the United States is... Santa Claus. Santa visits some 1800 malls a year, seeing an average of 7700 children at each mall. It is estimated that Santa poses for over $35 million in "photos with Santa", which puts him far above any current supermodel. This does not include private Christmas parties, TV endorsements or Christmas cards.
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This page created December 30, 1999. Last revision is noted by the date of last addition.
© 1999-2002 chewy@kconline.com
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The Enchanted World of Rankin-Bass. These are the people who made those holiday puppet classics, including "Rudolph the red-nose reindeer", "Santa Claus is coming to town", and "The year without a Santa Claus".