Welcome to Random Quotes

A selection of thoughts to share with you!

Hello! We are Vince and Liz, from Indiana, USA. This page is here to share unusual quotes and a few random thoughts with each of you. If you have an interesting quote to share with us, please e-mail us. Include source, if known. We reserve the right to edit and use or reject as fits the spirit of our page. The plan is to rotate new quotes in every once in a while, so check in occasionally!

NEW QUOTES: Recent additions to this page

"...We will not waiver, we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." (U.S. President George W. Bush, September 20, 2001).


"Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is uncertain. Today is a gift: That's why it's called the PRESENT." (submitted with our thanks by "Helen" from England. June, 2001)


Older treasures

"Whoa...This is way cool." (MTV's "Butthead", obviously referring to this website.)


"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are still basically good at heart." (Last sentence in the final entry of the diary of Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust)


STRESS is when your gut says "No Way!" and your mouth says "No Problem!" (author unknown, faxed to my office a few years ago.)


"I know I asked for more ice in my drink, but this is ridiculous!" (reportedly quipped by John Jacob Astor aboard the Titanic after she was struck by the iceberg. As he was lost in the disaster, the world will never be able to verify this.


"Is (product name) safe? Of course it is! Smoking is the danger! Smoking has deadly tars and carbon monoxide!" (nicotine gum advertisement, trying to convince you that using nicotine without smoking is "safe". Then why do people who chew tobacco get throat and mouth cancer?)


"Blub." (Recently overheard from Liz's aquarium. Since I cannot speak goldfish, I do not know if it was a great political speech, a weather forecast, a reflection of life, or a simple burp)


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Click here to visit the Archive. A rest home for worthy quotes retired from this page.

Click here to check out our Jokes Page! Heard a good joke lately? We'd love to hear it, and maybe print it here. Email us.

Click here to check out our Short Stories and Prose Page! Stories & Prose is still under construction, but feel free to check out what is there so far.

Click here to view our Photopage! Photopage is also under construction, please be patient. Unfortunately, I have to work for a living, so I don't get as much time to edit the site as I'd like.

Click here to go to our trivia page! Fun trivia. Who knows, maybe you'll end up on Jeopardy someday, and this will come in handy!

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Links to other sites on the Web

Stresau Laboratory, Inc. A testing laboratory where Vince used to work.

Free Bingo & stuff. Cheap prizes, but at least it's free to play!!!

The Bay City Rollers Homepage. Liz's favorite band when she was a teen. (Bet you didn't know they were still around!)

eBay Online Auctions. Check out our current auctions! Look for auctions by "chewy509".

Visit Yesterdayland: "Your childhood is here". A great site featuring trivia about the movies, TV shows and toys that we grew up with!
Check the message boards for posts from "Chewy509". Mr. Chewy is Vince, Mrs. Chewy is Liz.

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This site was created on January 24, 1997, and underwent a major theme overhaul on July 10, 1998. The last revision to the index page was October 12, 2003. Latest revision dates on individual pages are noted on each page.

This site, and all pages in it, will be under constant construction, as our time, discovery of new quotes, and page building skills allow.

Things are always changing around here!

Note: What happened to Adopt-Support? That was our previous page, on this site. We tried to establish a support group for adoptive parents, however due to lack of interest we have changed topics.

© 1997-2003 chewy509@kconline.com

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