Your Name: : Helene
Your webpage's URL: :
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Message to Helene: : Test of 2001 Guestbook
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: : DEBNRON@MSN.COM
Message to Helene: : just found your website. i found it interesting. my maiden name is knight- started my family tree in high school haven't messed with it since- it's been 15 years. just got a computer a few months back and have been looking for information on the knights.
Your Name: : Ann
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Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : I found this page fun to browse through. I am a real proof nut and was wondering how I could get some of your proofing information? My husbands family are the Thomas Downs' (Berwick, York,ME). He is a gg....grandfather. Most of the info I also have but th
Your Name: : Marcel van Aspert
Your webpage's URL: : ff
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: :
Your Name: : David L. Moulton
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : I'm a Moulton from Nort Dakota and am interested in finding my family line
Your Name: : Dallas R. Knight
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hi...I'm looking for info on Thomas or John Thomas Knight who was a CSA soldier when his son James Claudius Knight was born in Mobile AL in 1862. JCK is my grandfather. Thanks for anything you can provide. DRK
Your Name: : gerri glosh
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : What great pages. My line is Downs,Cheney,Littlefield.
Your Name: : Laurie Shrubsole
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hi Helene
I am looking for information on Elizabeth Knight D:29 Dec 1776.Her Father was Stedman Knight and her Mother was Mary.Elizabeth married 28 Feb 1771 to Thomas Shrubsole.If you can help me in any way it would be wonderfull.Thank You!
Laurie Shru
Your Name: : Lucille
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : WOW what a wonderful job. I will visit again. See you at the end of June-- Lucille
Your Name: : Rachel Renton
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hello -- I am the 8th great-granddaughter of William Hooper, born in East Coker, Somerset, England and Elizabeth Marshall, born in Beverly, Ma. I can fill in the rest of the generations in between, if you would like. Please write back and let me know if t
Your Name: : Rachel Renton
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hello -- I was looking at your information on the Hooper family. Sarah Hooper, born 1650, could not have been the daughter of William and Elizabeth as Elizabeth is listed as having been born in 1649. Is Sarah a sister to William? Please respond if you can
Your Name: : Augusta Cousins Davis
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : I enjoyed reading your web stories.
My line of Cousins started in Henrico, VA in the early 1700's.
I grew up in Amelia, now live in neighboring Dinwiddie County.
Your Name: : maggie
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : I am trying to find anthing on Lucina brewer cobb who married howland soules hagaman.
Your Name: : kpstrelley
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : came across your web pages after searching my family name strelley a few more to add to the list just have to link them all up now
great site
Your Name: : carla
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Helene
My last name is cousins I enjoyed your history of the name but my family came out of Austria in the late 1800's originally couzenhaus(? I am unsure of the exact spelling) am I barking up the wrong tree? or could their be a connection?
Your Name: : Susan Lawrence (Nee Wilson)
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hi, I have been browsing through your pages to try and locate some of my ansestory. my father has traced our family back to a vilage in Yorkshire called Rowley. We know that Thomas Wilson married Mary Biggs 06/05/1828 and had a son called Issac who was ch
Your Name: : Jennifer Kowalski
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : I liked the way you set this up very cute.
I wanted to let you know that one of my lines connects in with the Snow line and that would be the Pke line.
would like to swap infomation just e-mail me.
thank you Jennifer Kowalski
Your Name: : Ron Ewen
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Great Web page. I stumbled onto your web page while researching Ann Snow. I am of the Pike line and have information on Ann Snow and Leonard Pike's children, if you would like to add it to your web page.
Your Name: : Lee M. Sanborn
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : I stumbled on your site while searching for Sanborn's line. We are originaly from Maine also. Born in Lewiston 9-12-40. Recently was in England trying to find further evidence. Went to King's Sambourne, Hampshire, hoping to find a link. Struck out so far.
Your Name: : Rick Rhodes
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hi, my mother is a Smalley descended from your John and Ann Walden Smalley. Several generations down. Her father was a John Jefferson Smalley b. 1889 d. 1982. Love your website and learned some. Thanks
Your Name: : Darrel Crawford
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Yes you do have a very interesting web page. I to am on the same cousins line, when it gets to Joshua Cousins I connect to two of the children. I am one of your cousins from Canada
Your Name: : Darrel Crawford
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Yes you do have a very interesting web page. I to am on the same cousins line, when it gets to Joshua Cousins I connect to two of the children. I am one of your cousins from Canada
Your Name: : Dave Greenwood
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Was searching for Harvey/ Buckminster info on the Web and came across this page. Anna Buckminster and Thomas Harvey are my ggg grandparents. This site is well done...lots of very good reference material. If you come across any info on Thomas please contac
Your Name: : Chester Merithew
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : My grandmother Helen Merithew (Stearns) had a home in Brooklin. I'm tracing her genealogy.
In 1968 after I graduated high school in Warwick, RI, I left for Maine. I raked blueberries in July, then worked at the Stonington Packing Plant. I left Maine in
Your Name: : John Severance
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hi Helene;
Enjoyed your page/site and looked over Severance Family entrys
Your Name: : Peter Howe Freeman
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Would love to exchange information on the Freeman line
Your Name: : Stormy Knight
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: :
Your Name: : Theresa Percival Meier
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hello! I most enjoyed your site! I am on a quest to link my ancestor Sir James Percival born 1615-1630 to your Percival linage. He immigrated to the US in 1670 to Virginia. It seems all records there have been lost or burned. I wondered if you could help
Your Name: : Newell
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : smoooch!!!!!
Your Name: : Gayle Baar
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Great web pages.
Thanks for documenting your pages!
Your information is great!!
I descend from Joshua Paine, Amenia, NY.
Your Name: : Karen Sharma
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Descendent of Mary Elizabeth Paulina Goodwin/Thomas Albert Stearns;Apollos Goodwin/Wealthy Leete; Benjamin Goodwin/Abigail Hutchinson; Richard Goodwin/ Elizabeth Heath;Rhoda Colby/Nathan Goodwin; Timothy Colby/Hannah Heath; Thomas Colby/Mary Rowell; John
Your Name: : Dindy
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hi. it will be a pleasure to have June here. come visit.
Your Name: : Edward Fuller Holden
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Helene:
Not an entry, but I want to tell you how thrilled I was tonight to find my grandfather, Amasa Holden, and my greatgrandmother, Melissa, nee Coby, on your website. Marion did send me a typescript of her Cousins Family History several years ago, bu
Your Name: : Dick cummins
Your webpage's URL: : none yet
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hi! My Mother is Elizabeth K. cummins (nee Heath), Daughter of Feredericka Heath (nee Cousins), Daughter of Melissa Colby Cousins (I think that's the order). I appreciate your summary of the Cousins Family genealogy. Best wishes with your site.
Your Name: : LeeAnnStevens
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : hi helene,I found several persons in your tree that I have in my tree.I have been searching Maynard and you have a Frances Maynard d of John Maynard I find this info in an article in the Genealogist Mag Dec 1934 hoping all the Maynards are related some wh
Your Name: : WIlbur Hayes Cousins
Your webpage's URL: : none as yet
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Trying to find my relatives from the past. My Father was born in Lubec, ME. His father and wife migrated to California. There were about 8 children.. my father being the first born. Was looking at the Cousins histery and how a Charles Cousins b.Dec. 17, 1
Your Name: : LeeAnn Stevens
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Hi Helene,Thanks for working so hard on your website.Its great,very creative.I found several persons that are in an article I have.I am searching the Maynards,and Frances d/o John Maynard is there I went down to the 14th gen.Do you have more info on the M
Your Name: : Andrew
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Researching COPLEY family history around Huddersfield, Batley, Leeds and York
Your Name: : Anthony J. F. Biagioli
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : The birth and death dates for the first two Poures seem to be switched: Walter Poure and Hugh Poure.
Your Name: : Anthony J. F. Biagioli
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : The birth date for Robert Throgmorton should be 1253, instead of 1353.
Your Name: : Anthony J. F. Biagioli
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : I hate to quibble, but you have Dagobert being born before his father.
Your Name: : Patricia Cobain Guyll
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Helene, my ancesters are Thomas Lufkin and Sarah Downing. I have been to the Old Essex Cemetery and found Thomas. Thank you for your efforts.
Your Name: : Ed WALLACE
Your webpage's URL: :
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Have been searching for a connection to my Philip EASTMAN, but to no avail.Hope you can help.
Your Name: : Ron Shepard
Your webpage's URL: : n/a
Your email address: :
Message to Helene: : Nice site. Your a VERY distant cousin. Dr. Noyes (Deer Isle Historical Society) traced my fathers side of the family back to Charlemagne.