- History of Wells and Kennebunk, Maine, by E.E. Bourne 1875: pub. 1983 by Heritage Books, Inc. 3602 Maureen, Bowie, MD 20715, ISBN 0-917890-43-4
- An Historical Sketch of the Town of Deer Isle, ME, by George L. Hosmer, 1886, 1905; PUB. 1983 by Deer Isle-Stonington Historical Society. (Note: Although the stories are good, Hosmer was not always accurate with dates. An example: Joseph Colby Sr.'s birthdate.)
- The Lymburner Legacy by Susan Paquette, 1990; ISBN 0-941216-50-0
- Matinicus Isle--It's Story and It's People by Charles A.E. Long, 1926. (Note: Contains incorrect information concerning the earlier generations of the Young Family.)
- Vital Records of York, ME
- No Place for Little Boys--Civil War Letters of a Union Soldier edited by Melissa MacCrae and Maureen Bradford, 1997, Goddess Publications, Brewer ME
- Genealogy of the Decendants of William and John Boynton 1897. Compiled by John Farnham Boynton and Caroline Harriman Boynton
- Folk of the Majorbagaduce
- History of Kennebunk by Daniel Remich, 1911.
- History of York by Banks.
- The Grindle Family of Hancock County, Maine compiled by Walter A. Snow, Elizabeth C. Wescott, David C. Grindell, and Almon A. Gray, 1978.
- HANCOCK COUNTY a rock-bound paradise
- Brooksville, Maine "A town in the Revolution" by Walter A. Snow
- A Gen. Dict. of the 1st Settlers of New England by James Savage
- History and Genealogy of the Malcolm Family by Malcolm 1950.
- The Pioneers of Mass.
- Genealogical Dictionary of ME and NH by Noyes
- The Knowlton Ancestry, The History and Genealogy of the Knowltons of England and America by the Rev. Charles Henry Wright Stocking, 1897, NY, Knickerbocker
- Supplement & Index to the Knowlton Ancestry by Geo. Henry Knowlton 1905
- The Burgess Family Tree by Paul Burgess
- Joseph Austin of Dover NH and Matthew Austin of ME by Edith Austin Moore
- Maine Wills by Sargent
- History of Ipswich
- Some Early Pelhams by Pelham and McLean, 1931.
- Jacob Perkins of Wells, ME by Perkins
- Ould Newbury--1896/7 by John J. Currier
- History of Newbury by Coffin
- Newbury Records
- Early Settlers of Rowley, Mass by Blodgette and Jewett page 266 (Parratt)
- Landed Gentry by Burke p.3020
- Old Families of Amesbury and Salisbury p.369
- History of Castine, Penobscot & Brooksville, Maine by George A. Wheeler 1923
- Betham's History, Genealogy and Baronets of the Boynton Family in England
- Fifty Great Migration Colonists by John Trelfall 1990
- Cape Cod Series Vol. 1, by Leon Clark Hills 1936 pp 126 & 129 re: Snows
- Islands of the Mid-Maine Coast, Penobscot Bay, Revised Edition 1997 by Charles B. McLance
- Lowell Historic Genealogy, 1899, by Delmar R. Lowell
- The Knight Family, April 10, 1941 Typewritten manuscript by Charles S. Tibbetts
- ME Genealogist and Biographer re:Knight, Libby, Spinney, Green
- Colonial Families of Martha's Vineyard, Vol. III, 1925, by Charles Edward Banks
- The Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire 1623-1660, 1908 Boston, by Charles Henry Pope
- The English Ancestry and Homes of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1997, by Charles Edward Banks
1. Mayflower Descendant Vol. 17, pg. 237
2. Mayflower Descendant Vol. 27, pg. 110
3. DAR Lineage Book Vol. 187, Mrs. Lucile Emerton Bassett #152599
4. NEHGR Vol. ? , July 1967, "The John Pike Family", by Anne Borden Harding
5. NEHGR Vol. __________, "Richard Rich of Eastham on Cape Cod and Some of His Descendants", by Evelyn Rich of Boston, MA
6. Boston Newsletter 1725.
7. NEHGR v77 1st ch v.106=58
8. NEHGR, "Marriages in the Town of Andover, Mass." Reg. vol. 13, Jan. 1849
1. LDS Family History Center, B.Lake Noyes' Deer Isle Genealogy Series. B.Lake Noyes was the Doctor on Deer Isle and Stonington during the 1st part of the century. His hobby was genealogy and while he was at the homes of his patients, waiting for babies to be born, etc., he would quiz the family about their roots, copy information out of the family bibles, and add their data to his collection. When he died his will left this mass of information to the LDS Family History Centers.
2. Series of newspaper articles The day before YESTERDAY, by Clayton Gross, from the ISLAND AD-VANTAGES Stonington, ME 1997.
3. Cousins' family stories passed down from Amasa Amidon Holden, Otis Cousins, Amy Hutchinson, Claris Chance, and Marion Dixon.
4. Newspaper Obituaries--Andrew S. Knight, and Melissa Cousins.
5. LDS Microfisches, and Computer disks: C115014, M115904
6. Maine State Archives, death certificate and military records of Andrew S. Knight
7. Internet webpage of Newpaper Vital Records from Ellsworth ME, i.e., "Eastern Freeman" and "Ellsworth American" :
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