
The Heartland Front Porch

The music and lyrics, The Heartland Geo Song, are by Joaquim Lee

Chatting on the internet brings a new dimension to making friends. I have made many new true friends by way of the Heartland Front Porch Chatroom, and below you will find many of the folks I chat with. These people have become true friends and many of us have had the opportunity to talk with and meet our cyber friends in real life. Get to know them, you may find a new, true friendship in the Cyber family I have inherited.

Sadly, our favorite chat room, The Heartland Front Porch, closed its doors on Halloween night, 1997 and when it closed, I lost track of many of our chat friends, but the names and links to their pages remain here, as they were on the day the Porch closed.

Our Porch Friends and their Home pages

"BunnyODust" "Punkin" "Wicked Wanda"
"Yogi" "Speedy" "Northstar"
"Fancy Nancy" "Lovely Lady" "Chevy Girl"
"Tippy Toes" "Hailey" "Fixit"
"Farm Girl" "BEARY" "Gertie"
"Sally" "Arizona Angel" "Blazer"
"Dig" "SuZQ" "Ancient One"
"Turk & Jesse" "SUZ*" "Luuucccy"
"Gimpy007" "Nursie" "Arkie"
"Tracker" "Cuddles" "Leigh"
"Gran" " W.C.Beary" "Reloading Ron"
"Cindy" "Rat" "KIYI"
"Stitchy~one" "jppeggy" "Lara"
"Marshall Festus" "Salty One" "Strawberry Wine"
"Kitty=^..^=KATfishn" "Barb" "Angie"

Although no longer functional, below is the backdoor to the old Heartland Front Porch - it remains as part of the memory of the times at the Porch.


The Heartland Front Porch is Back again !!!!!!

In the Spring of 1999 - Chatnetworks opened up a "new" old Heartland Front Porch - and the result was astonishing !! Old Porchers who had not been seen in years showed up and it has become the gathering place of the old gang once again !! Please drop in and say hello, we will be glad to see you once again !! Below find the doors to the Heartland Front Porch , Circa 1999 !

In April of 2000, Chatnetworks changed thier name to GeoChats, very appropriate for the New PORCH *S


Heartland Front Porch Reunion

Our dear sweet Porch friend Barb, has put up a renion page for all the old Porchers to see, and has made pages up for many of the old Porch chatters. Please take a walk on the Porch, and see what they are doing these days. Follow the link below and enjoy *S (footnote: Barb has temporarily suspended the pages)

Porch Reunion

Heartland Front Porch Reunion

Heartland Front Porch Ring This The Heartland Front Porch Webring site owned by *STREET*©.

For more information on how to join the The Heartland Front Porch Webring click here

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God Please Bless My Computer

Every night I lie in bed

This little prayer inside my head

God bless my mom and dad

and bless my children

and take care of my spouse

who brings me so much joy...

God, there's just one more thing

I wish that you would do

if you don't mind my asking

to bless my 'puter, too??

Now I know that it's not normal

to bless a small machine

but listen just a second

and I'll try to explain...

You see, that little metal box

holds more than odds and ends

Inside those small components

rest a hundred loving friends.

Some it's true I've never seen

and most I've never met...

never shaken hands or

ever truly hugged, and yet...

I know for sure they love me

by the kindnesses they give,

and this little scrap of metal

is how I get to where they live.

By faith is how I know them,

Much the same as I know You.

I share in life it brings them,

So if it's OK with you...

Just take an extra minute

from your duties up above...

to bless this little hunk of steel

that's filled with so much love.

So God, Please Bless My Puter...

- author unknown-


Favorite links
My family on the net
The "Oldies" Page
My Tribute to Vietnam
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